PC Robots.txt

PC Robots.txt is an easy (i.e. automated) solution to creating and managing a robots.txt file for your blog. Instead of mucking about with FTP, files, permissions ..etc, just upload and activate the plugin and you're done.

By default, the PC Robots.txt plugin has a bunch of spam-bots disallowed, the Google bots specifically allowed, and a few of the standard WordPress folders and files disallowed. If you want to change what appears in your robots.txt file, you can easily edit the contents from the plugin settings page under Settings, PC Robots.txt in your blog administration.

If the plugin detects an existing XML sitemap file, a reference to it will be automatically added to your robots.txt file.

For more information, to offer feedback, to ask questions or to submit bugs please visit http://petercoughlin.com/robotstxt-wordpress-plugin/

WP Robots Txt

WordPress, by default, includes a simple robots.txt file that's dynamically generated from within the WP application. This is great! but maybe you want to change the content. Enter WP Robots Txt, a plugin that adds an additional field to the "Reading" admin page where you can do just that....

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iRobots.txt SEO

iRobots.txt SEO (IRSEO) is a fully customizable robots.txt virtual file generator. IRSEO creates a highly optimized and secure robots.txt file straight out of the box. Users may choose to enable or disable specific user agents, directories or files using intuitive options all of which include detail.........

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Multipart robots.txt editor

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Robots.txt File

You only need a robots.txt file if your site includes content that you don't want Google or other search engines to index....

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Robots.txt rewrite

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Multisite Robots.txt Manager

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MetaRobots by SEO-Sign

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Humans TXT

Credit the people behind your website in your humans.txt file. Easy to edit, directly within WordPress. Use variables like a last-updated date, active plugins and many others... Use the [humanstxt] shortcode to display your humans.txt on your site Add an author link tag to your site's <head>.........

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Thin Content Manager

Thin Content Manager helps you easily identify thin content pages (i.e. posts and pages with minimal textual content) on your site and block them from search engines. The plugin calculates the body word count for each post/page on your site (disregarding words contained within HTML tags and shortcod.........

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SEO Ultimate

From the Creators of SEO Ultimate Premium Support Now Available The SEO Design Solutions team does not provide support for SEO Ultimate on the WordPress forums. However, dedicated one on one email support is available when you upgrade to SEO Ultimate+. The premium version of SEO Ultimate also has .........

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