Permalink Editor

By : Fubra , Steve

This plugin adds two areas of functionality: Global page, category or tag permalink structures and individual custom permalinks.

Options are added to the Permalinks Settings page allowing you to specify the structure for pages, categories, tags and authors.

By default - if custom permalinks are enabled - pages are accessible in the format /page/ or /parent/page/.

You can modify this format in many different ways, for example:

  • Add an extension: /%pagename%.html
  • Add a parent directory name: /content/%pagename%/
  • Prefix the page name: /page-%pagename%/
  • Or using a combination of the above.

This same format applies for categories, tags and authors, however the structure tokens differ:

  • Categories: %category% (E.g. /category/%category%.html)
  • Tags: %post_tag% (E.g. /tag/%post_tag%.html)
  • Authors: %author% (E.g. /author/%author%.html)

Each permalink base can be edited directly via these settings, for example using /people/%author%.html as the Author permalink structure will replace /author/ with /people/.

If no prefix is found, permalinks will be prepended with a default (category, tag or author) - with the exception of pages.

Note: Ensure you have included the correct structure tag somewhere in the url.

Additionally, an option is added to the edit screen allow you to specify the permalink for an individual post or page.

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