Plugin Downloads Display

A plugin that allows you to display the number of times a plugin has been downloaded. Can either be displayed in posts with a shortcode or in templates using a function.

Shortcode: [show_downloads slug="slug-of-plugin"].

Function: <?php plugin_downloads("slug-of-plugin"); ?>

Credit Harish Chouhan Tuts+ for original code.

Show Shortcode

Show Shortcode is a plugin that lets plugin developers display their shortcodes without executing them and without any special formatting or extra work. No HTML tricks or hacks, no raw editing in the HTML view! Just wrap your shortcode in the [showshortcode] tags and it will display your shortcode a.........

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Plugin Stats

Plugin Stats provides a shortcode, template function, and dashboard widget which display graphs of the number of downloads completed for plugins hosted at The green bar on the graph shows the standard deviation of the downloads. Also, today's downloads are shown using a red link cro.........

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Shortcode Disable

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Shortcode Developer

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Shortcode Plugin Download Counter

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Easy Plugin Stats

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WP Plugin Info

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B09 Link to Existing Content

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Better Lorem Ipsum Generator

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AGP Font Awesome Collection

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