
By : imath

If like me you run an Intranet, firewalls or proxies do not allow you to contact the API, so the only way to have your plugins up to date is to manually delete an old version of a plugin before uploading the new version of it. Plugpdater eases this process by uploading the plugin in a temp directory, checking for errors, and if none were found replacing the old version by the new one. As the plugin will write and replace files in /wp-content/uploads and /wp-content/plugins, make sure apache user has sufficient rights to do it.

  • Important : this plugin needs to be tested on a testing environment before using it on a production environment.

Global Plugin Update Notice

As of WordPress 2.6, this plugin is deprecated. WordPress now displays the number of plugins that need updating on all pages. If you're like me, you want to make sure to always be running the latest version of all of the plugins that you have installed and activated. The problem though is that you .........

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Network Only Plugins Tab

Did you ever wonder which plugins are Network only? If you're not familiar, this kind of plugin only appears in the screen /wp-admin/network/plugins.php, available in Multisite installs. And there's nothing there telling us that. Well, not anymore, this plugin does that. A custom screen will sho.........

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Multisite Auditor

The Multisite Auditor gives details on which sites are using which themes and which plugins. This plugin is optimised and designed for large multisite installations that have more than 1000 sites. However, it will also work very well with smaller networks. Features Displays data and stats for eac.........

Similar: 38%

Extension Manager

If you're a WordPress admin you probably want a plugin with the following features: install, update and delete plugins and themes it should be able to handle various locations, i.e. at least these plugin repositories and maybe some from somewhere else. basic search functionality for all these plug.........

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Notifications for Collapsed Admin Menu

In the WordPress admin, when the left sidebar menu is expanded WordPress presents you with a highlighted number within the menu itself indicating the number of pending comments (i.e. comments in moderation) and a separate number for the number of plugins with updates. However, if you collapse the s.........

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Improved Plugin Installation

This plugin is an improvement to the current WordPress plugin installation methods. It allows you to install one or more plugins simply by typing their names or download URLs in a textarea. This means you can install all your favorite wordpress plugins in one go! Furthermore, a bookmarklet is incl.........

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Xhanch - My Quote

Xhanch - My Quote (developed by Xhanch Studio) is a WordPress plugin to show a random quote with provided predefined quotes or your own collections. The collections of quotes are expandable for sure. We will keep adding more collections to the database. With this plugin, you can provide useful and .........

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YD Network-wide WPML

This plugin is an add-on to the WPML Multilingual CMS plugin from It is also an add-on to the WordPress MU Sitewide Tags Pages plugin from Donncha O Coimh (aka. SWT). It will make it possible to have site-wide contents, search, tags and categories in multiple languages....

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Sexy Polling

Sexy Polling - Find out what your audience thinks! You will be surprised by count of all the possible features!...

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GSpeech is a text to speech solution for WordPress. It uses Google power to provide you the best quality of automatic text to speech service. Enjoy!...

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