PO/MO Editor

PO/MO Editor adds a versatile interface to WordPress for editing and recompiling translation files.

Native gettext diagnosis

WordPress uses various methods to convert the original english text strings into the target language. Using the server's built-in native gettext functions is considerably faster than their PHP equivalent. This plugin checks whether a webserver offers this optional gettext capabilities to WordPress....

Similar: 20%

CodeMirror File Editor

Replaces defaults WordPress Theme and Plugin Editors with CodeMirror with syntax highlighting and other features....

Similar: 15%

Send E-mail

Add a contact form to any post or page by inserting [contact-form] in the post. Messages will be sent to the post's author or any email address you choose. Or add a contact form to a text widget. Messages will be sent to the email address set in your Settings -> General admin panel or any email.........

Similar: 13%


xili-dictionary is a dictionary storable in custom post type (CPT) and terms (custom taxonomy) to create, update and translate .po files or .mo files of current theme folder and of current plugins. xili-dictionary is a plugin (compatible with plugin xili-language) to build a multilingual dictionar.........

Similar: 10%

Ceceppa Multilingua support to Customizr

This plugin allow user to translate "Customizr slider" with "Ceceppa Multilingua"-...

Similar: 9%

Ceceppa Multilingua

I created Ceceppa Multilingua to let WordPress have an easy to use interface for managing a fully multilingual web site. With "Ceceppa Multilingua" you can write your posts and pages in multiple language. Here are some features:...

Similar: 9%

Ceceppa Multilingua support for WooCommerce

This plugin makes it possible to run fully multilingual e-commerce sites using WooCommerce and Ceceppa Multilingua. It makes products and store pages translatable, lets visitors switch languages and order products in their language....

Similar: 8%


xili-language provides for a bilingual (or multilingual) website an automatic selection of language (.mo) in theme according to the language of current post(s) or page. Theme's behaviour can be fully personalized through settings, hooks and api. Ready for CMS developers and designers. xili-languag.........

Similar: 7%

Syntax Highlighter for WP Editor

An easy to use WordPress plugin that replaces the default Theme and Plugin Source Code Editor with an enhanced editor by a CodeMirror library. The WordPress default Theme Editor (in Appearance => Editor) and Plugin Editor (in Plugins => Editor) is great for doing some custom changes to your Th.........

Similar: 5%

WP App Studio

WP App Studio allows you to build advanced sites in the form of WordPress plugins without writing a single line of PHP code. WP App Studio Plugin is the tool you use to design your plugin and send it for code generation. Create your own plugin and move on....

Similar: 2%