Pods Alternative Cache

Pods Alternative Cache offers file-based, and database-based caching.

This plugin requires the Pods Framework version 2.4 or later to run.

For more information on how to use this plugin, see http://pods.io/2014/04/16/introducing-pods-alternative-cache/.


There are a lot of great caching plugins out there, but this one solves a very particular need that none of the rest are doing. It allows you to cache particular sections of your page, using a technique known as "fragment caching", which is readily available in other frameworks such as Ruby on Rails.........

Similar: 34%

Clear Cache for Me

NOTE: If you do not use the W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache plugins, WP Fastest Cache, or do not host your website on WPEngine, this plugin will do nothing for you. W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache are great caching plugins, but they do not know when a widget is updated. WPEngine is the best pl.........

Similar: 12%

Hyper Cache Clear Link

This plugin just adds a link in admin bar to clear the cache generated by Hyper Cache plugin. The link also shows the number of cached pages. It has no Settings page, no UI, it just displays a new entry in admin bar. Only users that have 'manage_option' capability will see the link (same as Hyper C.........

Similar: 9%

NIX Gravatar Cache

Caches Gravatars to your host and speed up your site....

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All In Menu - Header menu creator

Create dynamic and responsive menus easily. DEMO PAGE: http://allinmenu.cookforweb.com Now you can easily create as many header menus as you want for your wordpress site. You first create the menu tabs you want either choosing from the ready templates like categories or tags or you create a fully .........

Similar: 9%

Quick cache comment garbagecollector

Add-on for Quick Cache. Will regenerate single page/post caches if a comment has been placed Coding by: MijnPress.nl Twitter profile More plugins...

Similar: 9%

Twitter Counter Cache-rizer

Tired of an offline Twitter slowing your blog down? This script shows the ammount of followers you have without slowing down your blog or giving off an error if Twitter is down, because it records the last known number. It's easy to install and to use. Twitter Counter Cache-rizer shows the number o.........

Similar: 8%

Resource Versioning

"It’s important to make resources (images, scripts, stylesheets, etc.) cacheable." Steve Souders It is much easier to use a CDN without Query String Parameters. This plugins alters only local resources' URL-s. The ver Query String Parameter will be inserted into the filename. For example jquery.m.........

Similar: 8%

Far Future Expiry Header

This plugin offers a few lightweight features to speed up your WordPress site without much hassle....

Similar: 8%

Nginx Helper

Removes index.php from permalinks when using WordPress with nginx. Adds support for purging redis-cache when used as full-page cache created using nginx-srcache-module Adds support for nginx fastcgi_cache_purge & proxy_cache_purge directive from module. Provides settings so you can customize pu.........

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