Pondol BBS

By : pondol

This is general bbs(board) plugin. Skin selection function(you can make skin and add to Pondol BBS). Support Variable Types skin(General Board, Notice, Gallery) Adjusting accessing auth by user level. Attaching files and download it.(All type of files could be attached as you set files extension on back-end) Searching enable. Adjusting table width and alignment. Adjusting items listing number. Important notice can be shown at top of lists(this option will be shown only to administrator). Secret item enable (fuctionally if you set this option, that item will be read by administartor, item owner only).

Dash Notice

Dash Notice is a service which makes leaving notices on dashboard easier. The Dash Notice plugin for WordPress seamlessly integrates using the Dash Notice API. This plugin has born out of personal necessity for a quick, convenient way to communicate with other members with access to dashboard. This.........

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Scrolling Notice Board

This plugin works with sidebar widgets. You can add a scrolling notice board with latest published 5 posts along with excerpt of first 100 characters with this plugin. A sparkling "NEW" banner is shown before each title link. After the title link, the timestamp is shown in a creative way. When you h.........

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The Board

The Board lets you create and easily manage an administration board for your structure. You can add members, fill out their basic informations, contacts informations, job title and place in hierarchy. You can also create working groups and subgroups to categorize members and display them in order. .........

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Board Election

Allow all (or a subset of) registered users to elect new board members from a predefined list. Set an enddate for the voting and the allowed number of votes per candidate. Original Language: English Translation incl : French and Italian For usage information, see Settings > Board Election...

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Kingkong Board

킹콩보드가 2.0 으로 판올림 되었습니다. 보다 깔끔한 게시판 기본 스킨과 내부적으로 좀 더 퍼포먼스가 강화 되었습니다. 뿐만 아니라 태그 기능이 추가 되었습니다. 꾸준히 발전하는 킹콩보드가 되겠습니다~! 킹콩보드는 GPLv2 라이센스로 영리/비영리 누구나 사용가능한 게시판 플러그인 입니다. 공식홈페이지 http://.........

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그누프레스는 워드프레스용 한국형 게시판 입니다. 워드프레스에서 그누보드의 다양한 기능을 쉽게 사용해 보세요. 포럼 : http://sir.co.kr/main/gnupress/ GNUPRESS is a bulletin board for WORDPRESS. You can easily build a community site. Forum : http://sir.co.kr/main/gnupress/.........

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Hana-Board 하나보드 워드프레스 게시판

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그누커머스는 워드프레스용 한국형 쇼핑몰 입니다. 워드프레스에서 그누보드, 영카트의 다양한 기능을 쉽게 사용해 보세요. 포럼 : http://sir.co.kr/main/gnucommerce/ GNUCommerce is a shopping cart plugin for WORDPRESS. You can easily build a Shopping mall site. Forum : http://sir.co.kr/main/gnucommerce/.........

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하나 추천&소셜공유

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Mang Board WP

Mang Board WP란?? Mang Board WP는 워드프레스 플러그인 형태로 제공되는 프로그램으로 자료실 게시판, 갤러리(Gallery) 게시판, 캘린더(Calendar) 게시판, 회원관리, 통계관리, 쇼핑몰, 소셜로그인, 소셜공유, 검색엔진최적화(SEO) 등의 다양한 기능을 제공합니다. Mang Board 의 장점 빠르게 변화하는 기술, 플랫.........

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