Post By Email Links

Note: Requires the Post By Email plugin.

The plugin filters the post content after a post has been created via the Post By Email plugin. If the post content contains only a URL it automatically assigns the 'link' post format to the post and wraps the URL in a link tag.

Email Signup for Link

This is a simple plugin with a shortcode that requires users to input their first & last name and email address to get access to a link (which will be emailed to them). I wrote this plugin one afternoon because a similar plugin lost functionality when one of the plugins it depended on was remov.........

Similar: 67%


ADOPT ME! Press This! was completely revamped in WordPres 4.2 and as such I will be focusing any effort that may have been put into Linkmarklet into that feature. As a result I am actively seeking someone to take over development of Linkmarklet. Thank you for considering! Instead of the traditional.........

Similar: 40%


This plugin will allow you to automatically link to emails, urls, Post/Page titles, Category titles and any other keywords you setup. Each of these options are completely configurable and you can disable any one of them at a time....

Similar: 20%

WP Mailto Links - Manage Email Links

Protect your email addresses and manage mailto links on your site, set mail icon, styling and more....

Similar: 15%

DBWD Send Link to Page

Share your website with others. Adds a "Send Link" button to your Website without editing your theme. When the Button is pressed the browser will open a small window for the user to enter the information required to send a link to the site to another person. Clean Admin Interface allows button selec.........

Similar: 12%

CM Custom Reports

The CM Custom Reports Plugin will generate your WordPress usage reports, track and measure different activities on your site. Reports data can also be exported to PDF. By using this plugin, you are adding an important tool that will help you manage content flow and usage within your WordPress site..........

Similar: 7%

Software Issue Manager

Software Issue Manager(SIM) is a project based bug, issue, task and product feature request tracking system with extensive built-in and custom reporting capabilities. Premium editions are available. If you need ticket management system, try our WP Ticket plugin. Issues are the items you would like.........

Similar: 7%

Tell A Friend: Share/Bookmark/Email/Social Bookmarking Button

Adds a tell a friend, Share/Bookmark/Email/Social Bookmarking button in a widget position. The service which is used is which supports e-mail address book, social bookmarks and favorites. WordPress Plugins Abit about FreeTellaFriend is a free service to .........

Similar: 5%

WebEmailProtector | email address spam protection

Welcome to the WebEmailProtector plugin for WordPress. This is the latest version, tested with WordPress version 4.3.1, WP's TwentyFifteen Theme and SocialIcons menus. With 100% satisfaction amongst its users so far we hope you like it too - but please review and leave your comments! Using WebEmail.........

Similar: 4%


GSpeech is a text to speech solution for WordPress. It uses Google power to provide you the best quality of automatic text to speech service. Enjoy!...

Similar: 3%