Post Meta Box Order

Easily customize the order of meta boxes on posts screen.

*If you want to force users, set $force_override as true

That's all, Check source code for more explanation.

Menus Multisite Picker

The plugin adds a meta box for multisite picker on WordPress multisite (WPMU). The plugin shows all sites which has been created or searchs by name of sites....

Similar: 50%

Meta Box Locationpicker

This Meta Box field will let you create a Meta Box field in the admin to let the user pick a specific point in an image. Useful when you need a specific point on a map. To use this plugin, you need to have the Meta Box plugin installed. Usage: When creating a new field, 3 Meta Box fields need to .........

Similar: 20%

Metabox Glue

When the plugin is active, the admin metaboxes are glued in place by default so they cannot be inadvertently repositioned by dragging or minimised or tapping. An unlock button in a metabox the top of the page allows the metaboxes to be temporarily unglued until the page is reloaded or another page .........

Similar: 19%

Silent Update

Silent Update Silent Update shows and controls content (post/page) modification date. Basically you can choose whether you want to update modification date or not when save post/article. It's a plugin that you should have just in case. If you are still not convinced there are few cases I’m sure you.........

Similar: 19%

Global Meta Box Order

Intuitively harmonize meta box positions and screen column layout for all backend users of your WordPress installation....

Similar: 17%


EN: Just install flodjiShare to enable Social Sharing and SEO-Features on your WordPress site. This Plugin is also compatible to Multi-Author Blogs. Let Visitors share your Posts, Pages and Custom Post Types on these social networks to increase traffic: Facebook Twitter Digg Delicious Google Plus.........

Similar: 8%

WCK - Custom Fields and Custom Post Types Creator

WordPress Creation Kit consists of three tools that can help you create and maintain custom post types, custom taxonomies and most importantly, custom fields and metaboxes for your posts, pages or CPT's. WCK Custom Fields Creator offers an UI for setting up custom meta boxes with custom fields for .........

Similar: 7%


SiteTree is a lightweight and user-friendly tool that lets you add to your WordPress site a human-readable Google (Image) Sitemap for search engines and/or a customisable Archive Page (or HTML5 Compliant Site Map) for your visitors in no time. To learn more, visit

Similar: 6%

Fields Framework

Update: Now works with PHP 5.2! Please show your support for this plugin by giving it a rating! WordPress Fields Framework Documentation This plugin can be used to add fields to: Custom Administration Menus and Sub Menus Posts, Pages, Attachments and Custom Post Types Categories, Tags and Custo.........

Similar: 6%

WP App Studio

WP App Studio allows you to build advanced sites in the form of WordPress plugins without writing a single line of PHP code. WP App Studio Plugin is the tool you use to design your plugin and send it for code generation. Create your own plugin and move on....

Similar: 2%