
PrankZapper - packer, minifier & gzipper for JavaScript & CSS

Some concepts borrowed from SmartOptimizer by Ali Farhadi.

Used packers / minifiers are CssMin and JavaScriptPacker (Nicolas Martins PHP port of Dean Edwards' packer.)

Some WordPress concepts borrowed from WP Super Cache.

WEBO Site InSight

WEBO Site InSight has a CMS-independent API, and it allows you to re-use any widgets code for all other CMS supported by WEBO Site InSight. Please read more in project page Wiki...

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Easy Menu Cache

This plugin caches all used Menus in a single wp option, saving tons of db queries and speeding up your WordPress installation. No configurations needed, no reason not to use it! Author: Marco Canestrari ...

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WPVM is possibly the most advanced and most complete plugin you can find to purge your cached content of your WordPress powered web site from Varnish caches....

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WP Green Cache

WP Green Cache is a powerfull caching plugin for WordPress blogs. It's higly minimize (%95) the usage of server's resources and provides very fast blog pages. If you care about the speed of your site, WP Green Cache is one of those plugins that you absolutely MUST have installed. To explain some te.........

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Dependency Minification

This plugin takes all scripts and stylesheets that have been added via wp_enqueue_script and wp_enqueue_style and automatically concatenates and minifies them into logical groups. For example, scripts in the footer get grouped together and styles with the same media (e.g. print) get minified togethe.........

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WP Fastest Cache

Official Web Site You can find more information on our web site ( This plugin creates static html files from your dynamic WordPress blog. When a page is rendered, php and mysql are used. Therefore, system needs RAM and CPU. If many visitors come to a site, system uses lots of R.........

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WP Super Simple Speed

Super Simple Speed is a stable and powerful plugin that dramatically increases your WordPress page load speed and gives you a better performance score on the major speed testing services. Unlike most other similar plugins, WP Super Simple Speed is lightweight (less than 20kb in size), and has no clu.........

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Admin Flush W3TC Cache

Adds "Empty All Caches" link to the top of every Admin page. Clicking the link clears all caches and returns you to your current page. No need to go to Performance options anymore, just clear the cache from wherever you are. Requires the W3 Total Cache plugin, so make sure it is installed and activ.........

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AIO Cache & Performance

AIO Cache, a stable and simple cache, minify, and performance solution for those of you looking for solid raw performance and response times. Fast, Powerful, and Effective! Unlike other performance solutions, you don't need to configure AIO Cache. Just install and go. Quick and Simple! Best part i.........

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W3 Total Cache

The only WordPress Performance Optimization (WPO) framework; designed to improve user experience and page speed. Recommended by web hosts like:, Synthesis, DreamHost, MediaTemple, Go Daddy, Host Gator and countless more. Trusted by countless companies like: AT&T,, matt.........

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