Print Posts

This plugin adds a shortcode to display a list of posts. The list of posts can be displayed in 2 formats, normal and expanded. If you also install the Themekit plugin you will gain access to several options to customize the short code.

For more information on Themekit, check out

Features Include:

  • Print posts by category name or id
  • Print posts by tags
  • Print posts related to the current post
  • Print posts by the current author
  • Ability to change the number of posts that get displayed
  • Ability to change how many posts display in expanded view before going to the normal view

No Widget Category Cloud

Creates a function that can be placed in a wordpress template for a category cloud that exists without the requirement of widgets or a widget ready theme. I created this plugin after I started using a single column theme that is not widget ready. I found that there were multiple plugin widgets ava.........

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WordPress Türkçe

Şu an için WordPress'de yazı,etiket veya kategori gibi adreslerde ŞşİıĞğÜüÖöÇç karakterlerini kullanmaya çalıştığınızda ssiigguuoocc haline gelmektedir. Kullanıcı adlarında ise bu karakterlere izin verilmemektedir. Bu eklenti sayesinde Türkçe karakterleri(ŞşİıĞğÜüÖöÇç) WordPress yazı,etiket veya kat.........

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Simply Exclude

Note to all used who tried the version 2.0 and 2.0.1 there were was bugs in the logic which upgrades the previous version of the Simply Exclude configuration to the version 2.0 format. If you lost your settings you can now reload them manually. Simply go into simply Exclude > Settings and at the .........

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Super Tags Widget

The Super Tags plugin, is a customizable alternative to the default WordPress® Tag Cloud widget. This widget makes it possible for you to fully customize a Tag Cloud ( or multiple Tag Clouds ) to meet your specific needs. It takes the same options as the wp_tag_cloud() function. You can specify a nu.........

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WordPress Tweaks

WordPress Tweaks is a powerful yet simple plugin to help you push the boundaries of WordPress by fine-tuning its many aspects. This multi-purpose plugin specializes in simple toggle-on/off changes and dropdown selections. It adds many useful settings pertaining to comments, posts, media, the adminis.........

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Specify Home Hidden Categories

English: Specify the Home hidden under all the article,Set up one or more categories, as long as the article is contained in the specified category, then the article will be Home and in RSS were hidden, and can see only guest access to the category, it advantage is that do not affect other plugins .........

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The Related Posts

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Portfolio by BestWebSoft

With the Portfolio plugin you can create a unique page for displaying portfolio items consisting of screenshots and additional information such as description, short description, URL, date of completion, etc. Moreover you can add not just one, but many screenshots to one portfolio item for better vi.........

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SEO Ultimate

From the Creators of SEO Ultimate Premium Support Now Available The SEO Design Solutions team does not provide support for SEO Ultimate on the WordPress forums. However, dedicated one on one email support is available when you upgrade to SEO Ultimate+. The premium version of SEO Ultimate also has .........

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SEO Post Content Links

SEO Internal linking (page, post, category). Automatic SEO for website...

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