Private WordPress

By : zheng1212

Deal with anything about the permission. With this plugin, you may close down your blog, restrict people who can view your blog, or even open feed readers' access only.

The configuration page is under Settings > Private WP.

Force Login

Easily hide your WordPress site from public viewing by requiring visitors to log in first. As simple as flipping a switch. Make your website private until it's ready to share publicly, or keep it private for members only. Features WordPress Multisite compatible. Login redirects visitors back to .........

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Simple Ajax Chat

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Role Master

По умолчанию Авторы, Модераторы и Администраторы могут писать везде. Блоггеры нигде пока им не будет указано куда им можно оставлять сообщения. Исключение для Блоггеров составляет категория «Без Категории»..........

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Friends Only

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Press Permit Access Codes

*This plugin has been replaced by the WP Access Codes Plugin!...

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