ProfanityBlocker - Profanity Filter

By : BaneD

What is ProfanityBlocker

ProfanityBlocker is an advanced cloud based word filter service that 'cleans' and removes any profanity from user entered text.With this word filter service you have greater control of the words and text submitted on your site. Fed up having to go through posts, deleting any profanity, swear words, or personal information? Well ProfanityBlocker is the answer. Using advanced heuristic logic, ProfanityBlocker has been developed to meet the specific needs of community based sites. We are so sure that you will love our plugin, that we provide a free version for you to try, before committing to a paid subscription.

Easy to install, you are just a few clicks away from delivering a whole new level of service to your community members.

Give it a try, what have you got to lose.

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