FR : La plateforme PushRDV (www.pushrdv.com) vous permet de gérer des agendas et offre la possibilité à vos clients de réserver des rendez-vous en ligne sur vos agendas. De plus, vous avez la possibilité de proposer des stages, des cours ou bien des évenements auxquels vos clients pourront s'inscrire. Ce plugin a pour but l'intégration des stages et de la réservation des rendez-vous directement sur votre Site WordPress.

EN : PushRDV (www.pushrdv.com) is an online Scheduling application that allow your customers to set appointments in your calendar. As a company you can also offer courses, stages, events and allow your customers to subscribe to these events (online payment is available). This plugin allow you to integrate your stages and allow your customers to take their appointment directly on your WordPress Site.


WP-Optimize is an extensive WordPress database cleanup and optimization tool. It doesn't require PhpMyAdmin to clean and optimize your database tables. Please show your support for this plugin by giving it a rating :) Now hosted at GitHub. I do not monitor wp forums, so use plugins(at)ruhanirabin.........

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This WordPress plugin allows you to provide online booking services for your site. Blackout times are easy to add and manage to restrict reservations. Reservation minimum and maximum time limits can be set on a per-resource basis. Administrator has power to add and manage an unlimited number of re.........

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Appointment Calendar

Appointment Calendar is a simple but effective plugin which enables you to take online appointment bookings on your wordpress blog. If you are a consultant/doctor/lawyer etc, you can harness the power of appointment calendar. Simply unzip and upload appointment-calendar directory to /wp-content/plu.........

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Media from FTP

Register to media library from files that have been uploaded by FTP. This create a thumbnail of the image file. This create a metadata(Images, Videos, Audios). Change the date/time. Work with DateTimePicker. jQuery plugin select date/time. If use the Schedule options, can periodically run. The exec.........

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Include your Appointmind online appointment scheduling calender in any article or in the sidebar. This plugin requires that you have purchased either a monthly subscription or the downloadable version of the software. This plugin does not include the appointmind scheduling software. You can get the .........

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Show Future Posts on Single Post

The Show Future Posts on Single Post was developed to provide two basic functions: Displays future/scheduled posts on single.php(Single Post Template) Enables comments for future/scheduled posts ...

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Allows you to optimize database, repair database, backup database, restore database, delete backup database , drop/empty tables and run selected queries. Supports automatic scheduling of backing up, optimizing and repairing of database....

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Salon booking system

Salon booking, is a plugin for WordPress based websites that creates a complete and easy to manage booking system in order to give your customers the ability to book for one or more services on your website. Salon booking is the best solution for: Hair dresser salons Barber shop Beauty salons Sp.........

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Events Manager ESS

ESS for Event Standard Syndication is The Events Feed. ESS is a free and open-source XML feed dedicated to describe events. This feed is read by search engines and robot crawlers to index your event pages and forward the web users to the your event URL. EVENTS MANAGER PLUGIN IS REQUIRED TO BE INSTA.........

Similar: 4%

Hypecal Ticketing System for Events Manager

EVENTS MANAGER PLUGIN IS REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED FIRST EVENTS MANAGER - ESS PLUGIN IS REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED FIRST The Hypecal plugin for Events Manager add a ticketing service and a payment interface to your website. Hypecal is a ticketing service that allows you to receive in one click, paymen.........

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