Quick Bulk Term Taxonomy Creator

A handy WordPress plugin for batch creation of taxonomy terms in your preferred hierarchy. Indispensable tool for WordPress developers.

Quick Bulk Post & Page Creator

A handy WordPress plugin for batch creation of posts and pages in your preferred hierarchy. Indispensable tool for WordPress developers....

Similar: 58%

Bulk Term Generator

If you have a lot of terms that you need to add to tags, categories, or custom taxonomies... don't waste time doing it by hand! Bulk Term Generator makes it easy to do it all at once. For example, let's say you have a custom taxonomy called Animal Types and you need to import every animal type know.........

Similar: 48%

Easy Bulk Subpage Creator

Allows you to create multiple sub-pages in a batch/bulk manner saving time at any time in your WordPress site. This plugin will give you a startup screen in which you can add as many sub pages in a quick manner and then by clicking one button will create all the sub pages for your selected page as p.........

Similar: 44%

BulkPress - Export

Export taxonomies into formatted file compatible with BulkPress or WPEssence Bulk Categories plugin....

Similar: 42%

AY Term Meta

Activate the plugin and add some code to your functions.php Basic function : AyTermMeta::addMeta($term, $name, $label, $type = 'input', $description = '', $options = array()) {} Generate all meta management in WordPress Admin Advanced functions : You can use term_meta functions similar to post.........

Similar: 34%

Reorder by Term

We consider Reorder By Term a developer tool. If you do not know what menu_order or custom queries are, then this plugin is likely not for you. This is an add-on to Reorder Posts and requires Reorder Posts 2.1.0 or greater. Out of the box, WordPress does not support the ability to reorder posts wi.........

Similar: 29%

Taxonomy Switcher

This plugin allows you to select your "From", and "To" Taxonomies, to convert all terms. Optionally select a parent term to limit terms to switch. Typing term names will do a live search of terms with the name you are typing AND possess child terms. Plugin also has built-in support for WP-CLI. In t.........

Similar: 29%

Beautiful taxonomy filters

The Beautiful Taxonomy Filters plugin is an easy and good-looking way to provide your visitors with filtering for your post types. With this you get a complete solution for adding filtering based on taxonomy terms/categories/tags. It will also automatically add rewrite rules for pretty looking filte.........

Similar: 20%

WP Ultimate Search

A highly customizable AJAX-based WordPress search bar alternative with the ability to autocomplete faceted search queries. Users can quickly and dynamically browse through your site's taxonomies and post metadata to find exactly what they're looking for, and results can be loaded beneath the search .........

Similar: 17%

Quick Featured Images

The plugin is available in English, Spanish (Español), Arabic (العربية) and German (Deutsch)....

Similar: 7%