Quick Page Navigation

Quick Page Navigation is a tool for developer and designer who want to navigate pages frequently. Its big pain to navigate in WordPress. It take several clicks for desired page. This plugin will help you to search page at any location through admin bar.

It adds quick access menu in your admin bar with search feature. It supports Beaver Builder also. Most Important Beaver Builder Live Preview Feature Added. ( It will help you to see finished page without save ).

PLX Multi-Environments

PLX Multi-Environments manages separate Development, Staging, and Production environments directly from within the WordPress Admin screen. Once the separate configuration files have been installed and your existing wp-config.php settings have been backed up you're then free to enter each of your en.........

Similar: 10%

Debug Bar Actions and Filters Addon

This plugin adds two more tabs in the Debug Bar to display hooks(Actions and Filters) attached to the current request. Actions tab displays the actions hooked to current request. Filters tab displays the filter tags along with the functions attached to it with respective priority. Note: Debug Bar p.........

Similar: 10%

Log Deprecated Notices Extender

This developer-oriented WordPress plugin extends Log Deprecated Notices to show a link in the WP 3.3+ Toolbar. Based on Andrew Nacin's Log Deprecated Notices This plugin is built and maintained by Joachim Kudish. Follow development, fork and contribute on github...

Similar: 10%

Shortcode Plugin Download Counter

With this plugin, developers can include a plugin download counter on WordPress posts or pages. This plugin grabs the number of total downloads for a given plugin from wordpress.org. Features: This plugin returns the total number of downloads for a specific plugin which you host on wordpress.org .........

Similar: 10%

Simply Show Hooks

Up until now the way theme and plugin developers find where to hook into with their add_action() and add_filter() functions is either to search through the WordPress code base, or find find a reference to the hook in the codex. What Simply Show Hooks does is give you a simpler way to see these hook.........

Similar: 10%

WP Local Toolbox

Through constants defined in wp-config, you can disable plugins, disable the loading of external files, set search engine visibility, display or hide the admin bar, display the server name and change the color of the admin bar, or literally anything else you can think of. All without touching the d.........

Similar: 10%


PHPull is a WordPress plugin for developers who wish to easily and accurately reference php functions directly from the PHP.net website. The plugin is very easy to use and the tooltip display is easily customizable by updating an existing stylesheet theme or creating your own. More detailed informa.........

Similar: 10%

Kint PHP Debugger

This WordPress plugin is a wrapper for the Kint PHP Debugger utility. Now instead of using var_dump() or print_r(), you simply use d() with zero, nadda, no formatting required. Use this tool when you are debugging your website, in place of var_dump(), print_r() and debug_backtrace()....

Similar: 10%

Easy Plugin Stats

Disclaimer: This plugin is geared towards developers with plugins in the WordPress.org repository and anyone else that wants to easily display information about a plugin that is in the repository. Don't fit this criteria? Then this plugin will probably not be of much use to you. This plugin was des.........

Similar: 9%

WP Plugin Info

BEWARE! Development dropped. It will turn into a Glitch sooner than later. WP Plugin Info is addressed mainly to plugin developers. It lets you show, in a post or page, any kind of information related to a plugin hosted on WordPress.org. I developed it for my own use on sitetreeplugin.com, some of .........

Similar: 9%