Rather Simple YouTube

By : unknown

This plug-in is different than other because it requires no pasting of special URL's or remembering embed codes. The first step is to fill in your own (or someone else's) YouTube username in the settings page. After this you can select any of your uploaded videos in the included widget.


How to embed YouTube or Vimeo video in sidebar? Very easy. Just copy and paste Youtube or Vimeo url into widget. And that is it. If you want more than one video in sidebar, just use more than one widget....

Similar: 38%

WP Easy Embed

WP Easy Embed allows you to embed videos, images and such via OEmbed service without manually editing the post (or page). If content provider support additional fields they can be used (right now only vimeo ones are supported)...

Similar: 34%

Lightweight YouTube Channel Widget

Use this plugin when you want to display a list of recent YouTube videos from a channel or playlist in your site's sidebar. This plugin is a fork of Aleksandar Urošević's YouTube Channel. This plugin is much more lightweight and does only have a subset of YouTube Channel's features. The videos are.........

Similar: 34%

Nice YouTube Lite

Upgrade to the full version of the Nice YouTube plugin. Get the easiest and most convenient way to add a YouTube video player to posts, pages and sidebar widgets with Nice YouTube Lite plugin! Whether you want to display one YouTube video or many YouTube videos, the Nice Youtube Lite plugin makes .........

Similar: 34%

Skip to Timestamp

Skip to Timestamp allows two ways of generating links in your posts that automatically skip to a given time in an embedded media element. You've seen it in the Youtube descriptions, now get it in your embeds! To create a link, either: Use our [skipto] shortcode which takes a "time" (or "timestamp.........

Similar: 34%

Easy YouTube Gallery

Use this plugin when you wish to quick insert gallery grid composed from custom selected YouTube videos. For automated latest or random videos collected from YouTube channel, favourites, liked videos or playlist check out YouTube Channel...

Similar: 31%

Top Flash Embed

!!!Further development on this project has stopped!!! This plugin allows to easily embed SWF Movies from Media Library or external SWFs into posts or pages through rich editor using shortcodes....

Similar: 30%

YouTube Channel

When you need to display sidebar widget with latest or random video from some YouTube channel or playlist, use plugin YouTube Channel! Simply insert widget to sidebar or shortcode to content, set Channel or Playlist ID, select resource to use and if you wish leave all other options on default. You .........

Similar: 25%

WP Theater

WP Theater provides shortcodes for integrating YouTube and Vimeo video embeds and feeds into your posts or widgets. Some options include traditional embedding, single video previews, a wrapped "Theater" embed, and video listings from playlists, channels, albums and groups. WP Theater was built with.........

Similar: 14%

YourChannel: YouTube channel on your website

Do you create or curate YouTube videos? Now turn your website with YouTube links into an engagement platform. You don't need more storage or bandwidth, and your visitors hate leaving the webpage they've already loaded, so why don't you let them explore your channel in your own website. Tell this p.........

Similar: 6%