Re-Add Text Justify Button

This plugin allows to re-add text justify button in the WYSIWYG on WordPress 4.7+

Re-add text underline and justify

In WordPress 4.7, the core developper team decided to make various changes in the editor, including removing the underline and justify buttons and rearranging some of the toolbar buttons. If you don't want to change the way you edit your content and/or don't want to confuse your customers with a new.........

Similar: 38%

TinyMCE Valid Elements

By default, WordPress' WYSIWYG editor, TinyMCE, will strip out of your Article and Page HTML code any elements that are not defined as "valid elements"; this can be extremely annoying (especially if you want to include iframes). This plugin will allow you to extend what TinyMCE defines as "valid .........

Similar: 29%

Who Stole the Text Justify Button ?!

WordPress 4.7 removed the text justify button from TinyMCE buttons. This plugin will bring it back \o/ Disclaimer: justifying is not a very good idea on websites, because it can be unreadable on small screens. According to typographic rules, you shouldn't justify text without good hyphenation and u.........

Similar: 19%

TinyMCE Comment Field - WYSIWYG

This plugin switches the comment field from a poor one into a rich WYSIWYG editor, using the internal TinyMCE Editor bundled with WordPress. Additional Features: Full control Enable or disable the TinyMCE comment-field on certain post-types, pages, posts or mobile devices Fully customizable Font-.........

Similar: 19%

AddFunc WYSIWYG Helper

AddFunc WYSIWYG Helper is a lightweight plugin that uses CSS to highlight prominent HTML elements in the default WYSIWYG editor (Tiny MCE), to help Editors see what they're editing. This in effect creates a sort of combination WYSIWYG/WYSIWYM (What You See Is What You Mean). With the WYSIWYM option .........

Similar: 11%


FEEDZY RSS Feeds is a small and lightweight RSS aggregator plugin. Fast and very easy to use, it allows you to aggregate multiple RSS feeds into your WordPress site through fully customizable shortcodes & widgets. The plugin uses the SimplePie php CLASS natively included in WordPress. SimplePie.........

Similar: 10%

Simply Symphony

Demo editor | Example Page Video Background | Full Version | Watch Video ...

Similar: 4%

People Lists

People Lists provides a rich text editor on the profile page for easy modifications of specific user profile information that can be displayed on any page using the [people-lists list=example-list] shortcode. Admins will also be able to add custom fields to the Your Profile section on WordPress and .........

Similar: 4%

Embedded Video

CAUTION! The newest version of this plugin is not compatible with WP versions before 2.5! But if you use an older version, you can at least use version 3.4 of this plugin. CAUTION! If you use the automatic plugin update of wordpress when migrating from version 4.0 to a newer one, you have to activat.........

Similar: 4%

User Avatar

1.4.7 is a Security Fix Please update your plugin to the latest version This plugin provides a thumbnail area in the Your Profile section, where users can upload & crop new images in an overlay and upon cropping the image, the new image will be saved and stored. This gives users with any role t.........

Similar: 4%