Really Simple Issue Tracker

By : webdez

Extend your WordPress site with this issue tracker, or simply use it to turn WordPress into a dedicated planning tool to handle all your "to-do's". Use it to plan your development projects or just keep track of your simple everyday chores, making sure that things get done and not forgotten.


  • PHP 5.2 or later


  • Create, Edit, Update and Delete issues
  • Assign issues to registered users
  • Issues can be any of the types: Bug, Task, New feature, Improvement, Story
  • Issues can have any of the states: Open, In Progress, Stopped, Fixed, Closed
  • Estimate time and log time spent for issues, automatically see estimated remaining time until issue is considered done
  • Create projects to categorize issues
  • Multiple language support (English, Swedish) and a prepared template file (default.po) for you to add your own custom language support.
  • Extended language support: Russian (by DmitriyBorisov)
  • Widget to display and filter issues publicly anywhere on your site

Please note: There is a premium version of this plugin under development! It will contain lot's of more useful features and views that may allow you to keep a much more professional approach to your work when using this tracker. Stay tuned!

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