Recent Searches

By : zourbuth

Bring the power of your site search feature and store recent visitors searches. Embed the recent searches in the sidebar using a widget or in the content using shortcodes. This plugin will displays the most search keywords with a link. If current user is an administrator, the search keyword can be deleted easily from the front end.


ElasticPress is a WordPress-Elasticsearch integration that overrides default WP_Query behavior to give you search results from Elasticsearch instead of MySQL. The plugin is built to be managed entirely via the command line. ElasticPress supports cross-site search in multi-site WordPress installs. O.........

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Google Keyword Suggest

WordPress is the most used content management system on the Internet. Millions of new contents get published every day. Therefore the team of SEOmotion wanted to improve keyword and topic research for WordPress users to do even better search engine optimization and write awesome pieces of content a .........

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Search bbPress

Search bbPress extends WordPress' native search to include bbPress post types allowing WordPress to automatically include bbPress content in results. Link adjustments are made to results to ensure users will be taken directly to replies, topics, and forums. This plugin also fixes the double quote ty.........

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AvantLink WP

The AvantLink WP plugin allows quick and simple integration with a variety of affiliate marketing tools from the network. Users must have a valid, active affiliate account with to utilize this plugin. Once activated, affiliates can quickly and easily use the following t.........

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AvantLink Related Products

AvantLink Related Products is a tool for connecting WordPress and an Avantlink Affiliate account. Given a set of site-wide or post-specific keywords, this plugin executes an AvantLink Product Search query and creates a widget of related products for display. In addition to providing site-wide or pos.........

Similar: 16%

WP Ajax Search Widget

WP Ajax Search Widget is a replacement for the standard search widget but instead of redirecting you to a new search page the results are returned underneath the search input with an option to click through to the standard results page. The widget allows you to choose how many results to show. a p.........

Similar: 16%

Instant Search & Suggest

Add Google style instant search and search suggest to your WordPress powered site. This plugin will begin displaying search results as soon as your site visitor starts typing into the search box. The plugin requires very little configuration and should work out of the box with most themes. The plug.........

Similar: 15%

Web Maps for WordPress

Quickly and easily search and add interactive maps to your pages and posts with the "Add a Map" button. Designed similar to the familiar "Add Media" button. Integrate the power of "where" into your pages and posts with interactive maps exposing authoritative content. Designed to bridge the gap betw.........

Similar: 12%

bbPress Search Widget

Great Helper Tool for bbPress 2.3+ ;-) This small and lightweight plugin is pretty much like the regular, packaged bbPress search widget but just offers up to 13 awesome options for you! For example, easily change the search, placeholder and button texts. Also, set visibility options or add opt.........

Similar: 12%

Lazy SEO

The Lazy SEO plugin will automatically create exact match SEO keyword/location combinations for SEO title tags and meta descriptions that randomly rotate with each refresh using SEO best practices. In addition, if you check the box to replace h1's, it will add an exact match h1 to the content, or r.........

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