Recently Updated Posts

By : f00f

Recently Updated Posts finds the posts (and optionally pages) which were modified most recently. You can show them as HTML list or get a PHP array to do treat them how you like it.

Last modified items Widget

This plugin will provide you a new widget, showing the last modified items. You can customize the widget with 5 settings: - Title - Amount - Text between title and date of modification - Show the date - Post type....

Similar: 60%

Upcoming Posts Widget

Upcoming Posts Widget acts very much like the recent posts widget, but displays scheduled posts instead of published ones. Requires WordPress 2.8+ You may also be interested in WordPress tips and tricks at WordPress Informer...

Similar: 34%

Super Advanced Posts

Super Advanced Posts Plugin is a light Plugin advanced version of the WordPress Posts widget allowing increased customization to display recent posts and other posts from all categories and taxonomy or from custom post types. New Features: Add Ajax in widgets Filter Taxonomy and Terms More easily.........

Similar: 23%

WP Font Awesome

This plugin allows you to easily embed Font Awesome icon to your website using HTML or built-in shortcode handlers....

Similar: 23%

TW Recent Posts Widget

TW Recent Posts Widget is advanced version of the WordPress Recent Posts widget allowing increased customization to display recent posts from category you define. Output will depend on your settings, and you may define to set post title, post date, featured image and post excerpt. If you set to di.........

Similar: 20%

Recently updated posts widget

This widget comes in the form of a plugin that displays the widget 'Recently updated posts' in the page Appearance->Widgets when activated. It only displays the last "N" articles and pages recently updated. You can exclude as many latest published post and pages as you want. By default this excl.........

Similar: 20%

Post Updated Date

Use Post Updated Date plugin and Simply show post updated date before content in single post!!! WordPress using for many purposes. Most of the bloggers want to show last update date in blog post. Example, when you publish an article in your blog, there are often times you might need to make updates.........

Similar: 15%

Recent Posts by Cooperative Computing

This plugin allows you to display an unordered list of post (or custom post type) links (with title, featured image and exceprt) to a specific author (or multiple authors), category (or multiple categories) and tag (or multiple tags). It can be called either with a shortcode or from within a theme f.........

Similar: 14%

El club de la Noticia

English This plugin adds an icon to share news and social networking icons at the end of a post so that readers can share arts. compatible with small and large icons....

Similar: 6%

WP Selected Text Sharer

WP Selected Text Sharer is a plugin, which allows to share or search the selected texts / words of yout site. A small popup is displayed above the selected text which contains links to share / search selected text. This plugin requires a 4 kb jQuery plugin or 5 kb Javascript to display the the popu.........

Similar: 6%