Redis Page Cache

A Redis-backed full page caching plugin for WordPress, extremely flexible and fast. Requires a running Redis server and the PHP Redis PECL extension.

DB Cache Reloaded

This plugin caches every database query with given lifetime. It is much faster than other html caching plugins and uses less disk space for caching. I think you've heard of WP-Cache or WP Super Cache, they are both top plugins for WordPress, which make your site faster and responsive. Forget about .........

Similar: 50%


There are a lot of great caching plugins out there, but this one solves a very particular need that none of the rest are doing. It allows you to cache particular sections of your page, using a technique known as "fragment caching", which is readily available in other frameworks such as Ruby on Rails.........

Similar: 50%

WP Fragment Cache

This plugin requires PHP version 5.3.6 or greater and can't be activated without a persistent backend for the WordPress Object Cache. Adds ability to cache particular sections of your site. This plugin is for people who can't use a full page cache or for sites with lots of pages and with frequent c.........

Similar: 43%

WP Fcashe

Warning: This plugin on it's own don't do anything. Integrate it in your theme or plugin. Usage: if ( !f_cache_start('key', 180) ) { //printing data f_cache_end(); // IMPORTANT don't forgot this }...

Similar: 30%

Redis Object Cache

A persistent object cache backend powered by Redis. Supports HHVM's Redis extension, the PCEL Redis Extension and the Predis library for PHP (Predis requires PHP 5.4 or greater). To adjust the connection parameters or prefixing cache keys, see Other Notes. Forked from Eric Mann's and Erick Hitter'.........

Similar: 29%

Widget Output Cache

Use PHP output buffering to extract widget output and store it into WordPress transients for faster retrieval. It also adds a checkbox to widget controls to exclude it from being cached. It is a quick fix for bad behaving plugins that parse RSS feeds or call remote URLs on every page load....

Similar: 28%

Image Lazy Load (Unveil.js)

Lazy load content images using the unveil.js jQuery plugin. Improves site performance....

Similar: 28%

NIX Gravatar Cache

Caches Gravatars to your host and speed up your site....

Similar: 25%

Comet Cache

If you care about the speed of your site, Comet Cache is one of those plugins that you absolutely MUST have installed :-) Comet Cache takes a real-time snapshot (building a cache) of every Page, Post, Category, Link, etc. These snapshots are then stored (cached) intuitively, so they can be reference.........

Similar: 24%

WP Nav Menu Cache

"WP Nav Menu Cache" plugin help you to make your WordPress dynamic navigation menu to a static menu. For each page visit WordPress run some MySQL query and complex PHP codes to generate navigation menu that you are using on front-end. Your menu content is not being changed until you change that manu.........

Similar: 22%