RefTagger Toggle

By : unknown

Allows disabling Reftagger on a per-page/post basis.

తెలుగు బైబిల్ వచనములు

తెలుగు బైబిల్ వచనములు allows you to display a bible verse on your site either in posts/pages or via the included widget. You can have it display a verse randomly from your favorites, or display Anudinaaharam's Verse of the Day Verses can be displayed only in Telugu language Widget included .........

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This plugin enables NETBibleTagger on your WordPress site. NETBibleTagger is a new and innovative way to quote and link to the Bible from your existing scripture references. Plain references turn into hyperlinks which create a small in-line windows (tooltips), when the user mouses over them....

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Bible Verse Display

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Scripture Highlighter

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Multipurpose Bible Linker

This plugin is designed to help people referring to English, Russian or Ukrainian Bibles. Once activated, it will find all texts that look like references to Biblical texts and replace them with a link to the actual Bible chapter and verses. Supported recognition of long and short titles. It is poss.........

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Bible Verse of the Day

This plugins shows a daily bible verse or a random bible verse from The verses are from the NIV or KJV translation. It can be used as a widget, so it's easy to install. After installing the plugin you will have two widgets: 'Bible verse of the day' and 'Random bible verse'. You can.........

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Diccionario de la Biblia

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Islamic Archive For Islam for Christians

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