Remember CF7 Entries

This plugin is used to remember the contactform7 form field entries, so user no need to enter the field values again and again, the entered values will stay in form field after refresh the contact form page.

If you need any additional features, please post in support forum, we will analyse and implement in next version. we are still implementing this plugin, please rate our plugin and write your valuable comments.

Contact Form 7 WooCommerce Order

Add Woocommerce Orders Dropdown to the popular Contact Form 7 plugin. This field creates a drop down of current user's orders. Contact Form7 form will be more useful to use for support purpose You just have to install this plugin to add a new field type in Contact form 7 fields....

Similar: 20%

Contact Form 7 : Wysiwyg Field

Add wysiwyg fields to the popular Contact Form 7 plugin. This field use the default WYSIWYG editor set in WordPress parameters. You just have to install this plugin to add a new field type in Contact form 7 fields....

Similar: 19%

Contact Form 7 Anti Spambot

In English: No spam in the Contact Form 7.Add anti-spambot functionality to the CF7. It blocks spam without using CAPTCHA,blocked by Invisible internal token-code with ajax. This plugin blocks 100% of spam post in the author of the environment. There is no modification of display the contact for.........

Similar: 15%

Contact Form 7 Modules

Add Hidden Fields to Contact Form 7 The Contact Form 7 plugin has over 8.4 million downloads, yet the great plugin still lacks a simple feature: hidden fields. This plugin adds hidden fields to Contact Form 7 once and for all....

Similar: 14%

Contact Form 7 Radio Field Mandatory

This simpe extention to already popular Contact Form 7 (CF7) plugin adds mandatory option for radio fields....

Similar: 14%

Contact Form 7 Phone Module

Add Telephone Field to Contact Form 7 This plugin adds telephone field to Contact Form 7 along with masking options. Please notice that Contact Form 7 must be installed and active. Masking options are accessible via tag generator panel....

Similar: 12%

Contact Form 7 Star Rating

This plugin adds Star Rating fields to Contact Form 7....

Similar: 12%

Contact Form 7 Tag field

Add Tag Fields to Contact Form 7 This plugin adds a new field to the Contact Form 7 plugin that enables the user to add tags to his message via a tag field. The plugin uses the JQuery plugin "Tag-it!" ( This plugin requires version 3.9 or higher of the "Contact For.........

Similar: 12%

Contact Form 7 Star Rating with font Awesome

This plugin adds Star Rating fields with font Awersome to Contact Form 7....

Similar: 11%

Contact Form 7 Map Field

This plugin provides a new field to Contact Form 7: a map with a coordinates marker, letting the user mark a location. The marker coordinates (longitude & latitude) are than passed to the contact form. in version 2.0 i've added geolocation, making the map and marker to be focused on the suppose.........

Similar: 10%