Require First and Last Name

Require first and last name from users who are editing their profiles.

The HTML5 required attribute is added, the text "(required)" is added next to the fields, and the data is verified to be non-empty on save.

Development of this plugin was supported by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Shakespeare Project.

Users List Widget

Easily display your WordPress users name on wordpress website....

Similar: 24%

smart Custom Display Name

Set your Display Name to anything you like! The "Display Name" is the name shown as post author - e.g. "posted by John Doe". WordPress only allows you to select from these given values: Nickname - e.g. "JoDo" Username (Login) - e.g. "J0hnD03" First Name - e.g. "John" Last Name - e.g. "Doe" F.........

Similar: 23%

Members [is_user_logged_out] shortcode

To complement the [is_user_logged_in] shortcode I noticed a [is_user_logged_out] shortcode was missing from Members plugin, soI decided to write an "extension plugin" to add it. Maybe this can be added to Members itself one day? The [is_user_logged_out] shortcode should be used to check if a user .........

Similar: 22%

Import users from CSV with meta

Clean and easy-to-use Import users plugin. It includes custom user meta to be included automatically from a CSV file and delimitation auto-detector....

Similar: 19%

Extra User Details

Extra User Details is the simple plugin that allows you to add extra fields to the user profile page (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn links etc). Extra fields can be easily accessed in your templates like a general wordpress author details: <?php the_author_meta('meta_key'); ?> P.........

Similar: 16%

Visual Editor Biography

Replaces the Biographical Info profile field with the WordPress visual editor, TinyMCE, allowing you to editor an author's biography using rich text. Please note that this plugins modifies the output of get_the_author_meta('description') and the_author_meta('description'), apply the same filters us.........

Similar: 15%

IndiaSan User or Author Image

Just go to Users -> Your Profile -> Profile Picture and choose your photo using wordpress media uploader. All Done, Your Profile Picture is set, It will be displayed on your entire website!...

Similar: 12%

User Avatar

1.4.7 is a Security Fix Please update your plugin to the latest version This plugin provides a thumbnail area in the Your Profile section, where users can upload & crop new images in an overlay and upon cropping the image, the new image will be saved and stored. This gives users with any role t.........

Similar: 10%

User Meta

Features Allows user to update their profile on front-end. Add extra fields to custom user profile. Front-end user registration by shortcode. Add extra fields to custom user registration. Add profile link to users listing page. Fields and forms editor to customize front-end user profile and regist.........

Similar: 10%

People Lists

People Lists provides a rich text editor on the profile page for easy modifications of specific user profile information that can be displayed on any page using the [people-lists list=example-list] shortcode. Admins will also be able to add custom fields to the Your Profile section on WordPress and .........

Similar: 10%