Responsive Video Light

Features Include:

  • The ability to add one or more videos directly in to a page, post or any of your own custom post types using the video url( the embed code) or ID and a short code. Currently YouTube and Vimeo are supported, using the [responsive_youtube] and [responsive_vimeo] shortcodes, respectively.
  • Fully responsive so the video's viewport will fill the width of the containing area and scale depending on screen size. No need to set a width and height, just set the width of the div your content sits in.
  • YouTube videos have a shortcode attribute that lets you turn "related videos" on or off. "Related Videos" are the links that tile across the viewport when a video has completed playing.
  • YouTube videos also support light and dark themes, autoplaying, showinfo, and modest branding (which removes most YouTube brand imagery).
  • Vimeo videos can have the video portrait, title, and byline shut off.
  • A comprehensive settings screen which explains all the options and shows you the syntax of the shortcodes.

Example Usage:

For a YouTube video, you can specify either the full URL to the video or just the unique video ID, like this:

[responsive_youtube ] 
[responsive_youtube NbCr0UyoFJA]

And if you want to specify whether or not you'd like the "related videos" to display, you can use the "rel" or "norel" parameters in the shortcode syntax, like this:

[responsive_youtube NbCr0UyoFJA norel]
[responsive_youtube NbCr0UyoFJA rel]

The rel and norel tags will override whatever you have set in the plugin settings screen for that specific video only.

Similarly, for a Vimeo video, you can use the full video player URL or just the video ID, like this:

[responsive_vimeo ] 
[responsive_vimeo 29506088]

There is a more complete treatment of the shortcode syntax in the settings screen of the plugin itself.

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