ReSRC for WordPress

ReSRC delivers optimized images specifically sized for each user's screen. You no longer have to manually resize images. ReSRC for WordPress automatically optimizes the following images on your blog:

  • Images within posts and pages
  • Post thumbnails


  • Pixel perfect images on demand
  • Supports HiDPI (retina) devices
  • No multiple requests for the same image.
  • Supports the popular 'Mobile First' approach.
  • Does not use device detection via user-agents or cookies
  • Framework and library agnostic. (No need for jQuery)
  • Gesture Zoom support (Currently iOS only)
  • Remote image fallback.

Simple Responsive Images

This plugin generate images with attributes for the responsive images in your content. Choose the breakpoints and the sizes associated. The next images you will insert and the elements generated with the wp_attachement functions will begenerated with the right attributes. Contribute on https://git.........

Similar: 50% Image Optimizer Image Optimizer allow to use free Image optimization based on API. provides image size reduction based on several advanced algorithms. The API accept JPG, PNG and GIF files up to 2MB. This plugin includes a bulk operation to optimize all your pictures in 2 clicks ! .........

Similar: 32%

Imagify Image Optimizer

Speed up your website with lighter images without losing quality. Imagify is the most advanced image compression tool, you can now use this power directly in WordPress. After enabling it all your images including thumbnails and retina images from WP Retina x2 will be automatically optimized on th.........

Similar: 31%

Tui's Find Thumb

Many WordPress themes, are heavily dependant on "feature images" to use as thumbnails to make them look good. This is great except it adds a lot of extra work setting up these thumb references, but equally if you are in a hurry and forget you add the thumb then the look of the theme breaks. So here.........

Similar: 29%

Tui's Author Intro For Post

This plugin gives you the ability to add a Author introduction to each post. No editing of themes is required to use the plugin and a default layout is set up on install. Play with the html layout until you get exactly what you want. A number of tags are provided to give you access to the Author dat.........

Similar: 27%

KB Easy PicasaWeb

There are many PicasaWeb plugins for WordPress; I counted 8 of them before writing this plugin, and tried using several. (There are now over 50!) Unfortunately, most of them are annoying. Either they have poor documentation, or they require you to insert funny things into your posts, or they are slo.........

Similar: 25%


You can check other Picasaweb plugins, but they all look pretty bad. Most of them just lead your visitors away from your blog to picasaweb service. They show random stuff or require programming skills to set up. Picasna will do everything for you without this headache. It parses link to your picasa .........

Similar: 17%

Sirv CDN & Image Manager

Sirv hosts your images and serves them to your WordPress site at any size you require. It optimizes images and rapidly serves them from its CDN. Major features of Sirv image management: Resize your images to any size you require. Responsive resize to dynamically fit the screen. Serve your images .........

Similar: 8%

ShortPixel Image Optimizer

ShortPixel makes your website load faster by reducing the size of your images and helps you rank better in Google search. With both lossy and lossless image compression available for all common image types (PNG, JPG, GIF), plus PDF files. The plugin is free to use for 100 images/month. How does it .........

Similar: 6%

Creative Image Slider - The Best WordPress Image Slider and Portfolio plugin

Creative Image Slider is a jQuery image slider with amazing visual effects. It has integrated Creative Popup wizard, to make the slider more attractive! It is packed with a live-preview wizard to create fantastic sliders in a matter of seconds without coding. Over 35,000+ sites are already using Cre.........

Similar: 2%