Reveal Network Activated Plugins

Formerly: "jonradio Reveal Network Activated Plugins"

Beyond what the name implies, the Reveal Network Activated Plugins plugin can display all Plugins that WordPress would normally hide: WordPress only displays Network Activated and Must-Use plugins, as well as Drop-ins, on the Installed Plugins Network Admin panel; even there, they can be easily missed. Under the control of any Super Administrator, Reveal Network Activated Plugins allows Network Activated and Must-Use plugins, and Drop-ins, to be displayed on each site's Installed Plugins Admin panel, with "Network Activated", "Must-Use Plugin" or "Drop-in" displayed below the plugin name where "Activate" or "Deactivate" is displayed for other plugins. In addition, the plugin's Network Admin panel, available only to Super Administrators, and the Delete Plugins panel, show which Plugins are activated on which Sites within the WordPress Network.

In a WordPress Network, i.e. - a single WordPress installation that provides multiple sites ("Multi-site"), Plugins can be activated on one or more individual sites or they can be Network Activated, which means they are activated on all sites. In addition, Must-Use plugins are automatially activated if present and Drop-ins are activated Network-wide by a Constant set in wp-config.php. Confusion can result because WordPress does not display any of these plugins on each site's Installed Plugins Admin panel, a confusion that this plugin hopes to eliminate.

A warning Notice is displayed if this plugin is activated on a WordPress installation that is not (yet) a WordPress Network.

Every effort has been made to not interfere with plugins that create or modify their own entry on the Installed Plugins Admin panel.


If you run a WordPress or BuddyPress installation, you probably know that some of the biggest administrative headaches come from the activation process. Activation emails may be caught by spam filters, deleted unwillingly, or simply not understood. Yet WordPress itself has no UI for viewing and mana.........

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