Rich Text Biography

By : mpraetzel

The Rich Text Biography Plugin allows you and your WordPress users to edit your profile biographies using WordPress' built in WYSIWYG editor. Download, install in your /wp-content/plugins directory, activate the plugin and you'll be editing your biography in a rich text interface in no time. No coding necessary after plugin activation!

Visual Editor Biography

Replaces the Biographical Info profile field with the WordPress visual editor, TinyMCE, allowing you to editor an author's biography using rich text. Please note that this plugins modifies the output of get_the_author_meta('description') and the_author_meta('description'), apply the same filters us.........

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Biographical Info Paragraphed

Biographical Info Paragraphed is a plug-in for WordPress that allows WordPress to add additional HTML tags like p, br, rel="author" etc. to the Biographical Info field. You can add rel = "author" to your profile using this plug-in. Not only that. Some other html tags that may cause security problem.........

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User Avatar

1.4.7 is a Security Fix Please update your plugin to the latest version This plugin provides a thumbnail area in the Your Profile section, where users can upload & crop new images in an overlay and upon cropping the image, the new image will be saved and stored. This gives users with any role t.........

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People Lists

People Lists provides a rich text editor on the profile page for easy modifications of specific user profile information that can be displayed on any page using the [people-lists list=example-list] shortcode. Admins will also be able to add custom fields to the Your Profile section on WordPress and .........

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Rich Text Tags

A TinyMCE Editor for Tags, Categories, and Taxonomies The Rich Text Tags Plugin allows you to edit tag descriptions, category descriptions, and taxonomy descriptions using WordPress' built in rich-text editor. Switch between WYSIWYG and HTML editing modes with the click of a link. Use the WordPress.........

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Ultimate Member

Ultimate Member is a powerful and flexible plugin that makes it a breeze for users to sign-up and become members. The plugin allows you to add beautiful user profiles to your site and is perfect for creating advanced online communities. Lightweight and highly extendible, Ultimate Member will enable .........

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WP User Manager

WP User Manager Managing your members, creating front-end profiles and custom login and registration pages should be easy. With this plugin, it finally is. WP User Manager lets you create highly customizable user profiles. You easily add custom user registration, login and password recovery forms .........

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ProfilePress - Custom Login, Registration & Password Reset Form Builder for WordPress

Ever wanted to create a custom Login, Registration, Password Reset forms and Front-end User Profile that will conform to a WordPress (theme) design? With knowledge of just HTML & CSS, code the form component in combination with our expressive shortcodes, make it pretty with CSS and ProfilePress .........

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Ads Manager WP/BB

Use this plugin to quickly and easily insert Any Ad code Unit to your posts and BuddyPress sections including Forum topics....

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WPVKP Custom Login Page

This easy to use plugin gives you the power to convert the boring wordpress login page with much more attractive and personalized login page. This plugin helps to improve your brand authority and also helps to improve user experince. Now can customize the logo, the background, the login button and v.........

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