
RiotSchedule is a post based scheduling plugin. The plugin allows you to create a schedule, each with their own linked posts to display content on.

The plugin support widgets and has shortcodes to allow you to display your scheduled posts. Public AJAX calls also exist (to be documented). The plugin can also format the data within


div> and



  • allowing you to style your listings without fiddling around with plugin code!
  • List of shortcodes (I will document these shortly!) [riotschedule] [riotschedule-day] [riotschedule-list] [riotschedule-nownext] [riotschedule-pid]

    To see a site based around RiotSchedule (along with some site-specific enhancements) visit and have a look under 'Shows' and 'Schedule'. If you also look on the Listen Live / RadioPlayer you can see using some custom built AJAX queries I can display the current show on the RadioPlayer.

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