Roots Plug

Roots Plug is the catch-all awesome WordPress plugin that cleans up default output and provides all those handy-dandy functions that we all search for around the web - in one convenient package! It also appends on HTML5 Boilerplate's .htaccess rewrites automagically.

Inspired by Roots Theme by Ben Word -- extracted much of the cleanup efforts into a handy-dandy plugin.

Tidy Output

Tidy Output formats and/or cleans up output HTML based on the configured settings. It supports Tidy (PHP library) and DOMDocument for cleanup. Only Tidy is supported for formatting. Additionally, it is possible to indent all of the post content to a certain level in order to make it line up properl.........

Similar: 25%

Cleaner Dashboard

This plugin does two things to your dashboard: The WordPress News and Other WordPress News sections are removed. You don't even load them. Why? So you won't have to bother with the AJAX call for the news. Also, it looks neater. The sidebar (with incoming links, recent posts, etc.) is made more ho.........

Similar: 25%

Image Cleanup

Did you ever scale or crop uploaded images in wordpress? Did you ever try various image generating plugins? Did you ever change or add various media image sizes? If yes, chances are that your content folder is full of unused and unreferenced images. These image leftovers will remain cluttering your .........

Similar: 25%

RP Cleaner

RP cleaner allows you to clean up your dashboard and add a welcome message for you with some custom text and let you do a clean work in wordpress. We'll keep updating this plugin in regular basis and gives you a good control in your wordpress dashboard....

Similar: 20%

Dashboard Cleanup

This plugin will help you remove meta boxes for feed, other news, recent drafts, right now, recent comments, incoming links, plugins box, quick press. You can also remove admin menu icons. The options page is located under the Dashboard menu item as "Cleanup". From there you can remov.........

Similar: 17%

Hide Dashboard

Hides the login pages of your WordPress site. This plugin is a standalone version of the hide backend feature in iThemes Security and iThemes Security Pro....

Similar: 16%

iThemes Security (formerly Better WP Security)

iThemes Security (formerly Better WP Security), #1 WordPress Security Plugin iThemes Security (formerly Better WP Security) gives you over 30+ ways to secure and protect your WordPress site. On average, 30,000 new websites are hacked each day. WordPress sites can be an easy target for attacks becau.........

Similar: 6%

SecureMoz Security Audit

SecureMoz Security Audit WordPress Security Plugin gives you over 27 ways to secure and protect your WordPress site. Protecting your Website, Blog or WordPress site with amazingly powerful and real-time traffic filtering safety and security is what SecureMoz WordPress Security Plugin is designed to.........

Similar: 4%

G2 a Web Application Firewall

A WordPress security plugin that protect your website from hacks and malware....

Similar: 2%

BulletProof Security

BulletProof Security Feature Highlights One-Click Setup Wizard jQuery UI Dialog Form Uninstall Options: BPS Pro upgrade uninstallation or complete BPS plugin uninstallation .htaccess Website Security Protection (Firewalls) Login Security & Monitoring Idle Session Logout (ISL) Auth Cookie Expir.........

Similar: 1%