RSS Importer

Import posts from an RSS feed.

Improved RSS Importer

An improved RSS importer with true XML support. It is an improvement over the standard word-press RSS importer. Improvements CDATA blocks are properly supported enclosure tags are preserved XML parser is used instead of regular expressions for greater speed and accuracy. ...

Similar: 50%

RSS Post & Thumbnail Importer

Import posts from an RSS feed, and set any images included as media enclosures as the featured image....

Similar: 40%

WordPress Exporter

Export a single post or page with its comments, custom fields and terms easily. This plugin will add custom export queries at the WordPress export administration page. You can create your own export with custom post queries and import it to your WordPress site with WordPress Importer....

Similar: 13%


FEEDZY RSS Feeds is a small and lightweight RSS aggregator plugin. Fast and very easy to use, it allows you to aggregate multiple RSS feeds into your WordPress site through fully customizable shortcodes & widgets. The plugin uses the SimplePie php CLASS natively included in WordPress. SimplePie.........

Similar: 10%

AtariAge Dashboard Feed

Plugin URL Display the AtariAge RSS ( Really Simple Syndication ) feed directly within the WordPress Dashboard. We have a great respect for AtariAge, and everything Atari for that matter, but there isn't as much time to check in with the s.........

Similar: 8%


This plugin uses a custom field to allow sub titles/headings to be added to any post type, including pages, posts and any public custom post type. The custom subheading field is re-positioned so it is directly below the main title when editing. Updates to your theme templates may be required in or.........

Similar: 8%

Recipe finder

The plugin 'Recipe Finder' was created to easily search and display recipes from two major recipe search engines: (English) and (Russian). The search index contains about a million recipes from the most trusted cooking portals and recipe databases. The sidebar widget su.........

Similar: 8%

Classic Facebook Feeds

Classic Facebook Feed is a plugin for display facebook feed on your blog or site. Here you can Get feed fron any Facebook Page. This plugin use Facebook Opengraph API so its highly customizable and you can style the feeds the way you like....

Similar: 8%

CaliCoTek Ebay Dashboard Tools

This plugin Adds an Ebay Tools and Announcements Feed Widget to the WordPress Admin Dashboard.. So Far it Shows the Ebay announcements Feed and Shortcut buttons to Key Ebay Seller Areas. Many Features Coming Soon: IE; Full Settings Page and Ebay API integaration, Feedback, Ready To Ship Notficatio.........

Similar: 8%

Papa Rss Import

Imports news from Google and creates posts for them. All the settings you can do with ease. It is expected that the website will always be fresh content to attract your loyal visitors. For information and questions please: Papa Destra - Facebook - http://id-id.faceb.........

Similar: 6%