Adds an RSSCB option to feeds.

RSS-CB is an extension of the RSS standard designed to add machine readable information to feeds. See:

Multi Source Feed Generator

Cronycle: RSS and Twitter feed embed for WordPress Embed RSS and twitter feeds into your WordPress site which are filtered using specific key words. Click here to sign up for Cronycle Take Twitter feeds and RSS feeds and filter them with basic and advanced keywords No code required; simply creat.........

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MagpieRSS Hotfix

This hotfix adds support for RSS enclosures to MagpieRSS, the RSS parser behind the fetch_rss() function in WordPress. It also forces MagpieRSS to use UTF-8 character encoding, which fixes some issues with feeds that contain non-ASCII characters....

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Tensai RSS

This plugin allows you choose which parts of your posts will be visible in your post or your feeds. Using simple tags in your posts you can show information visible only in your blog or in your feeds. This is very helpfull to hide some pointless information to your feed readers and viceversa. Auto.........

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RSS Feed Widget

Author: Fahad Mahmood Project URI: License: GPL 3. See License below for copyright jots and tittles. Detailed description. Important! Visit my blog and suggest good features which you wana see in this plugin....

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Recommended Reading: Google Reader Shared

Recommended Reading: Google Reader Shared gets the shared items from your Google Reader account. Want to easily share posts you recommend from other blogs? Want to share selected posts from your business partners' news feeds or friends' blogs? The "Recommended Reading" plug in is the easy way to d.........

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This plugin is no longer supported, please use Advanced RSS instead. This plugin creates a new RSS widget. You can use this to replace the built in RSS widget or along side it. It is substantially more powerful than the built in widget in that you have complete control over how the feed is displaye.........

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NOTE! FIRST RELEASE - MAY CONTAIN LOTS OF BUGS! Use at own risk! Sharing is caring and a lot of us came to love a plugin for WordPress called Shared Items Post. Problem is, it was buggy and outdated, and the author stopped answering calls. So this is a new stab at that same functionality. What it .........

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KB Advanced RSS Widget

WordPress comes with a default RSS widget, but you get no control over how the feed shows up in your sidebar. Want more control? The KB Advanced RSS widget gives it to you. With it, you can Decide which RSS fields to display (as opposed to the default RSS widget, which limits you to link, title, a.........

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MediaRSS with Post Thumbnail

Adds <media> tags to your feeds with post thumbnail support which came with WP 2.9 version. This plugin is based on Andy's ( MediaRSS plugin. If you use that MediaRSS plugin unactivate it before activating this plugin. MediaRSS is a way of embedding media into your .........

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mPress Custom Feed Excerpts

The mPress Custom Feed Excerpts plugin allows to you customize your WordPress feed excerpts by simply using the <!-- more --> tag in WordPress....

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