Safe Paste

WordPress do a great job by default filtering potentially dangerous code inside your content. So this plugin is NOT about security.

But people can break your site design without compromising your security... That's the purpose of this little plugin.

Do you have users that creates content for you?. Do you own an online Magazine?

If you answer yes to at least one of the above questions, I'm sure you have minor design troubles in your site because of your users using copy/paste (ofcourse without using TinyMCE buttons to remove code) while not being aware of all the HTML tags they are pasting...

This plugin simply removes a lot of HTML tags (and non breaking space HTML entitie) from post and page content before inserting it to database. Preventing users (including you) to paste undesired HTML tags to the content.

It only does his work while you're editing your post/page (it can be in any status). So it'll do the job on the new post/pages you create after the activation of the plugin and in old content that you edit after the plugin activation.

These are the HTML tags that stays:

<p> <a> (allowed attributes: href, title). <img> (allowed attributes: src, alt, class). <h1> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6> <blockquote> <ol> <ul> <li> <em> <strong> <del>

Any other HTML tag (or attributes) and &nbsp; (non breaking space) should be removed.

NOTE: This program is distributed under GPL2 licence in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. I'm not responsible of ANY trouble or damage your site may have due to the use of this plugin. YOU and only YOU are responsible of your site and having backups and restoration plans. If you use this plugin you're accepting this.

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