Scheduled Content (by Sizeable)

Embed scheduled content into your pages, posts and even custom post types supporting shortcodes.

Use [szbl_scheduled_content] to wrap and schedule your content. To hide content until a specific date, use the start attribute. To have content expire, use the end attribute:

[szbl_scheduled_content start="Jan 1, 2013 12am" end="Apr 14, 2013 12:00pm"]This is my scheduled content[/szbl_scheduled_content]

You can enter dates/time in any standard format and the plugin should interpret them correctly, using the timezone set under Settings > General.

ez Schedule Manager

ez Schedule Manager is a WordPress plugin which allows you to manage incoming schedule requests. In case you offer contact requests or simple booking on specific dates or times, this is the right plugin for you....

Similar: 7%

Booking Ultra Pro Appointments Plugin

Booking Ultra Pro offers a great suite of features that will help you manage your online appointments 24/7 whether you are a large educational institution scheduling thousands of students or a massage therapists with a part-time practice. Booking Ultra Pro is a WordPress appointment scheduling plug.........

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This WordPress plugin allows you to provide online booking services for your site. Blackout times are easy to add and manage to restrict reservations. Reservation minimum and maximum time limits can be set on a per-resource basis. Administrator has power to add and manage an unlimited number of re.........

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WP-Optimize is an extensive WordPress database cleanup and optimization tool. It doesn't require PhpMyAdmin to clean and optimize your database tables. Please show your support for this plugin by giving it a rating :) Now hosted at GitHub. I do not monitor wp forums, so use plugins(at)ruhanirabin.........

Similar: 6%

Event Calendar

Click here to get the Ultimate WP Plugin! An easy-to-use visual community calendar that allows authorized users to add, edit, move, copy, resize, delete and filter events into customizable categories - supports daily, weekly, monthly and yearly repeating events. Calendars can be added to your site.........

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WP Scheduled Posts brings 'WP Scheduled Posts' for all WordPress user for free, which was previously only used by ARCom internally, in multi-author projects like The Tech Journal. Vote For Feature!! We are considering to bring more features, tell us what you need. Click here! 'WP Scheduled Post.........

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Back to the Future

Displays future/scheduled posts on single.php(Single Post Template) Displays future/scheduled posts using shortcode Enables comments for future/scheduled posts ...

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Include your Appointmind online appointment scheduling calender in any article or in the sidebar. This plugin requires that you have purchased either a monthly subscription or the downloadable version of the software. This plugin does not include the appointmind scheduling software. You can get the .........

Similar: 6%

Event List

The purpose of this plugin is to to show a list of events with date, time, description, place, etc. on your site by using a shortcode or a widget....

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Show Future Posts on Single Post

The Show Future Posts on Single Post was developed to provide two basic functions: Displays future/scheduled posts on single.php(Single Post Template) Enables comments for future/scheduled posts ...

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