
By : schmiddim

Schmie_twitter is really awesome! When you update or publish a new post on your WordPress Blog, it will notifiy your followers on Twitter and / or Identica!!!.
You can define default messages that are pushed to your Message services or create custom Messages for every Post. If you're hoster blocks Twitter (like my Hoster), you can use Twittermail. You only need an emailadress on your webspace. The plugin supports several Url-shortening-services (,,i2h and tinyurl). If your favortive service is missing, write me an email ( It is possible now to use All you need is of course an account there, The User Api Key and an Api Key. Status Widget ( is a simple service that makes updating your social networks a snap. You can use AIM, GTalk, iGoogle, Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, WAP, iPhone/iPod Touch, SMS or E-mail to let relay your message to a multitude of social networking sites. This plugin le.........

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Sends status updates to or Twitter everytime you publish a post. Using Sm00sh,,, YOURLS, or even your own domain for shortened permalinks (accounts on these services required). So this way you can send status to many sites at once if you have a account or send only.........

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Update 5.06.11 Icons werden wieder angezeigt, optional können Temperatur-Tagesmaximum -Tagesminimum ausgegeben werden. Das Widget zeigt das Wetter in Deiner Stadt an; geb einfach deine Postleitzahl ein und fuer wieviele Tage Du eine Prognose moechtest. Neu hinzugekommen ist die Möglichkeit einen .........

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IMPORTANT!!: At present Seesmic has blocked the API key for this plugin, you can read more here. So I have added support for using email notification, this is working for some users and not for others. Sorry but I can't do more about this, so blame to Seesmic not me. UPDATE (2011/08/27): su.........

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Better Click To Tweet

The Best Click To Tweet Plugin on the Market, FREE! This plugin allows you to easily create tweetable content for your readers. Using a simple shortcode, your selected text is highlighted and made tweetable. Now fully customizable if you know CSS. Easily remove the "via" Selectively remove the UR.........

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Tilt Social Share Widget

Tilt Social Share Widget is a simple widget that allows you to enable sharing of your posts and/or pages....

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South Africa Sociable Plugin

The South Africa Sociable plugin allows users to your blog site the ability to shorten urls, email, and share interesting pages they find on your site. It works by adding icon images below each of your blog posts that, when clicked, sends your blog post details to either TimesURL, Gatorpeeps, Muti, .........

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Allows you to spread your blog to 30+ social networks via Now with support for scheduled posts and custom triggers....

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This plugin displays the number of years, months, days, hours and minutes since a post or a page was published or modified, or a comment was published, in the same format as Facebook, Twitter etc. Examples are "Just now" (less than a minute ago), "47 minutes ago" (less than an hour ago), "3 hours ag.........

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Weather sidebar widget

The Weather sidebar widget shows current weather and forecasts for the current day and the next three days for any location you choose. Multilingual widget (Afrikaans, Arabic, Basque, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, Filipino, French, German, Indonesian, Norwegian, Persian, Italian, Turkish, Portugu.........

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