SendPress Beta Tester

By : brewlabs

This plugin is meant for testing and development purposes only. You should under no circumstances run this on a production website.

Easily run the bleeding edge version of SendPress right from GitHub.

This plugin is built and maintained by BrewLabs and is built off the Easy Digital Downloads beta plugin by Patrick Garman and also builds off of the WordPress GitHub Plugin Updater class developed and maintained by Joachim Kudish.

WooCommerce Beta Tester

This plugin is meant for testing and development purposes only. You should under no circumstances run this on a production website. Easily run the latest tagged version of WooCommerce right from GitHub, including beta versions. Just like with any plugin, this will not check for updates on every ad.........

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WP e-Commerce Beta Tester

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Plugin Beta Tester

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TouchCast Embed Plugin (beta)

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CM E-Mail Registration Blacklist

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LoginWall for WordPress (Beta)

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