
By : unknown

Automatically add links on your posts to popular social bookmarking sites like Facebook, Mixx, StumbleUpon, Digg and many many others.

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Sociable RE

Плагин добавляет множество кнопок для публикации ссылок на страницы вашего блога в различных социальных сетях и сервисах закладок. В русской версии плагина добавлены: ВКонтакте Мой Мир Яндекс.Закладки БобрДобр МоёМесто.ru Сто закладок MisterWong.RU Google Buzz, он же «Живая лен.........

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WP RoSocial

Based on Sociable WP RoSocial automatically add links to romanian social bookmarking sites on your posts or pages. You can choose from a list of 18 websites/tools. [Ro] Bazat pe Sociable, WP RoSocial adaugat automat linkuri spre cele mai cunoscute site-uri de tipul social bookmarking romanesti in fi.........

Similar: 67% Vote Button is a social sharing and bookmarking site for entrepreneurs and small businesses. The BizSugar community is passionate about sharing the freshest, most pertinent content about marketing, finance, franchising, global business environments, legal topics, management, startup tips, and techn.........

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VKontakte Share Button

VKontakte Share Button plugin brings powerful way to add VKontakte share button for you posts and pages. It supports all functions of VKontakte API and easy customizable: You can choose one of seven button appearance types include custom Place button on posts, pages and frontpage at will Select l.........

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Generates a daily post digest from many customisable Feed sources. i. e. I used it to generates a daily post with my Google Reader Shared Items, also I've put as public my Starred Items to post it, and finally my public bookmarks on Delicious. See an working example at my blog Based on Digest Post.........

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Shortcoder is a plugin which allows to create a custom shortcode and store HTML, Javascript and other snippets in it. So if that shortcode is used in any post or pages, then the code stored in the shortcode get exceuted in that place. Check out the LIVE DEMO of the plugin...

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WPU ShortLinks

Allows automatic url shortening of post links using WPU.IR Services using the API recently provided by WP-Parsi. Generate ShortLinks from Post Content URLs Generate ShortLinks with Bulk Action Request ShortLink With Admin Bar Shortcut Adds very simple social sharing buttons for Twitter, Facebook a.........

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BST share iT

German (de-DE) Die Datensammelleidenschaft von sozialen Netzwerken wie Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn und anderer, ist bekannt. Wichtige Werkzeuge für die Datenerhebung sind die jeweiligen Social Sharing Buttons, die auf einfache Weise in allen Arten von Webseiteninstalliert werden k&oum.........

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Sharify Social Share Buttons

Want support? Follow us on Twitter @sharifyplugin Introducing Sharify, a simple and fast plugin that lets you add beautiful sharing buttons to your WordPress website! LIVE DEMO - LEAVE A REVIEW Features Responsive Sharing Buttons for Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Reddit, Pocket, LinkedIn, Pin.........

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E-MAILiT Share Buttons

E-MAILiT gives a free, creative solution that permits publishers to coordinate influential features straightforwardly into their sites by means of a completely adjustable stage. The E -MAILiT service coordinates a mixture of share buttons, media solutions, social plugins, analytics, and much more, e.........

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