Show Your GitHub Activities

By : kyokutyo


  • This widget show your GitHub activities.

GitHub User Repo Widget

A simple widget that will show a list of repos for a specified GitHub user. Optionally can display a GitHub follow badge as well....

Similar: 50%

Better Github Gists Widget

Retrieves your public Gists and displays them in an ordered list. Features include: Item count. Length of description. Show comment count. Show creation date. Show mimetype icons. Supported mimetypes: C++ C C# ColdFusion CSS HTML Java JavaScript Lua PHP Python Ruby SQL TeX XML ...

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Github Widget

This is a WordPress Widget forked from the Github Badges project by drnic...

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GitHub Mini Profile Widget

If you are a programmer who uses GitHub then why not share your coding projects via your WordPress blog by adding a snapshot of your profile as a widget Simply add the widget to your preferred location and enter your GitHub username. Features include: Cached using Transient Displays your GitHub .........

Similar: 40%

WP GitHub Tools

Use the custom GitHub Commit widget to display a list of the latest updates from a repository. Additionally, you can use shortcodes to add commit lists or embed any gist. The plugin will cache the GitHub response for a certain time period. You can change this value to any wordpress schedules you ha.........

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Stronger GitHub Widget

A plugin to display your Github informations. You can display : * Repositories * Subscriptions * Events * Starred * Followers * Following It uses a server cache to be very light and fast on your WordPress installation. Don't hesitate to ask me new features or report bugs on ! I don't c.........

Similar: 19%

Social Icons Widget

The Social Media Icons widget takes a simple, extendable approach to displaying links to your social media profiles in WordPress. The purpose of this plugin was to strip away the complexities I found most other plugins to have and simply display a set of basic social icons in an unordered list. Ther.........

Similar: 6%

Smart Icons For WordPress

If you have a moment, please do leave a review to the plugin.We need your support and motivation to keep developing awesome plugins for you. Smart Icons For WordPress plugin brings to you 519 icons from Font Awesome. Users can include these icons to posts, pages or custom post types with just a.........

Similar: 3%

Find Me On

The Find Me On sidebar widget displays icons for all of your social network profiles. Includes 73 Social Network options, 16px or 32px icon size, and three icon styles, including sexy-style. NEW Supported Networks: * Apple NEW! * BrightKite NEW! * Facebook Fan Pages NEW! * Diigo NEW! * Friendster N.........

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ProfilePress - Custom Login, Registration & Password Reset Form Builder for WordPress

Ever wanted to create a custom Login, Registration, Password Reset forms and Front-end User Profile that will conform to a WordPress (theme) design? With knowledge of just HTML & CSS, code the form component in combination with our expressive shortcodes, make it pretty with CSS and ProfilePress .........

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