Simple paywall, membership, micropayments and paid subscriptions (by Drizzle)

This plugin is a full-stack solution for pro bloggers and publishers to start monetizing their best content directly from website visitors. Once installed, you have your own membership, paywall, lead generation, payment, purchase analytics and dynamic revenue-maximizing systems.

This plugin will let you paywall virtually any content in your posts. You can paywall text, images, videos, links, and any HTML-elements. Your website visitors will be offered to pay for your content with just one-click, either in a "pay-as-you-go" fashion via micropayments or via paid subscriptions.

The plugin works with a simple shortcode:

[paywall text="Please micropay or subscribe"] Your great content. [/paywall]

Text attribute allows you to set a unique call-to-action on any paywall. The starting price for any content is 20 cents. As more visitors recommend your content, the price increases dynamically to maximize your revenue. Maximum price is 80 cents.

If you are a pro blogger or publisher who creates great content which people love, then keep reading. This plugin allows you to:

  1. Paywall virtually any content: text, podcast, images, video, etc. Website visitors are one-click away from signing up and one-click away from paying for your content. Visitors are offered 2 user-friendly, one-click payment options: either a single micropayment or a recurring subscription payment.

  2. Pick the best performing content. Not sure which content to paywall? Not a problem. The performance of each content you paywall is monitored, and if the content underperforms, the paywall will be removed automatically. Just specify the number of $ you want to earn per 1000 impressions.

  3. Pick the price. Not sure how to price your content? Not a problem. Every paywalled content gets a default price. If your content performs well, the price is increased automatically to maximize your revenue. The price has 3 tiers: $0.20, $0.40, $0.80. Tier is dynamically adjusted based on content's popularity.

The content's popularity strongly depends on 2 metrics: the number of people who purchased, the number of people who recommended and the number of people who shared the content.

  1. Set up paid subscriptions with just one click. Choose a $5, $10 or $20 per month plan.

  2. Keep all your users' information. When a registered Drizzle user interacts with your content, you keep the user's name, email and other applicable attributes, such as purchase history. Seamless lead generation!

  3. Promote your content by allowing users who purchased your content to share it for free with their friends via email.

  4. Upsell your best content on your website and other websites in Drizzle's network. Registered users on your website can easily see a list of the top recommended and top similar content on your website. If your content does really well, your content may go viral and be featured on other websites in the Drizzle network.

The plugin is built by Drizzle. Learn more:


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