Simple Stop Sopa

This Plugin will censor your site on January 18th between 8am and 8pm local time in protest of SOPA and PIPA. It has no admin settings and is super easy to use.

SOPA Blackout Plugin

This plugin allows you to set SOPA blackout dates for your WordPress website, as well as a variety of options on who the anti-SOPA is shown too. You can have it shown instead of your site for any visitor, you can only show it the first time then let your visitors continue to the site, plus a lot mor.........

Similar: 50%

SOPA Blackout

On the Tuesday 24th January 2012, the US Senate will vote on the internet censorship bill. Whilst it is an American law, it has far reaching repurcusions for the web as a whole. Sites such as Reddit have said that on January 18th they are going to go dark between 8am and 8pm. This plugin will let .........

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Stop SOPA and PIPA Plugin

an SEO Company developed this plugin which will schedule a temporary redirect for all your incoming WordPress blog traffic to the official Stop SOPA page, where people can cast their vote- Congress is about to pass internet censorship, even though the vast majority of Americans are opposed. We need .........

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Simple Mobile URL Redirect

A simple mobile redirect plugin for those who use a separate website URL for their mobile content. Simply put in the full path URL and you are ready to send users to your mobile-only content....

Similar: 50%

Save Vapor Products - Support H.R.2058

This is a small WordPress plugin that behaves similarly to the SOPA/PIPA plugins from a few years ago. Basically, this plugin will blackout your website on November 5th, 2015 (Guy Fawkes day) between 8am and 8pm local time and instead, show your website's visitors a message about why it's important .........

Similar: 34%

Mojaba for WordPress

The Mojaba® WordPress plugin links any WordPress site with the comprehensive mobile website tool built for creative professionals....

Similar: 23%

Source Redirect Site

Press Pixels Source Redirect Site for WordPress redirects your site before loading any site content based on the specific source device, browser (mobile or standard), user role or login status, global location and also any Global State. Source Redirect Site for WordPress is a complete redirection p.........

Similar: 19%

Universo Widget and Mobile Redirect

Português: Se você criou seu App com o Universo em, este Plugin permite colocar um Widget com seu link na barra lateral, assim, os leitores do seu blog podem acessa seu App do Universo pelo QRCode ou por um link. Você pode escolher inserir o Ícone e o QRCode do seu App, os ícon.........

Similar: 19%

Ultimate AJAX Login

After testing all of the AJAX plugins in the WordPress repository, I got frustrated. They're all great, but it seems that they're like 90% complete. They still need polishing. This is why I decided to create this plugin How is this plugin different: Three different templates to choose from: Moda.........

Similar: 14%

Simple Ajax Auth

Simple plugin for providing AJAX login/signup/forgot password popup with redirects. Also provides a pre-defined widget for displaying links for login/signup/site admin/logout. Theme can customize templates and styles. Code is partially based on

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