Simple Video Info

Simple Video Info is a lightweight plugin to get stats from any YouTube or Vimeo video. It works by pinging the respective API to retrieve information about your video.

Just use the provided shortcode to get the following information:

  • Number of plays
  • Number of likes
  • Number of comments
  • Video title
  • Video description
  • Video length
  • Video thumbnail images
  • Video tags
  • Video link
  • Video publish date

To get information for videos hosted on YouTube you'll first need a YouTube Data API Key.

Workbox Video from Vimeo & Youtube Plugin

The plugin allows to create a video gallery on any wordpress-generated page. You can add videos from Youtube, Vimeo and Wistia by simply pasting the video URL. Allows to control sort order of videos on the gallery page. Video galleries can be called on a page by using shortcodes now. This plugin i.........

Similar: 50%


How to embed YouTube or Vimeo video in sidebar? Very easy. Just copy and paste Youtube or Vimeo url into widget. And that is it. If you want more than one video in sidebar, just use more than one widget....

Similar: 38%

Featured Video Plus

A picture is worth a thousand words. How many words is a video worth? Featured Videos work like Featured Images, just smoother: Paste a video URL into the designated new box on the post edit screen and the video will be displayed in place of a post image. There are three ways to get the videos.........

Similar: 19%

Secure HTML5 Video Player

A video plugin for WordPress built on the VideoJS HTML5 video player library. Allows you to embed video in your post or page using HTML5 with Flash fallback support for non-HTML5 browsers. Settings can be easily configured with a control panel and simplified short codes. Video files can be served .........

Similar: 18%

Fancybox Plus

A wordpress plugin which implements Fancybox. Fancybox does the same as lightbox, but in a much nicer way. Fancybox Plus plays videos from YouTube, and Vimeo. This plugin automatically enhance image links to use Fancybox. It has the same functionality as the wordpress plugin Lightview Plu.........

Similar: 18%

Flash Video Resizer

English: This plugin resizes flash and HTML5 videos using a width specified in WordPress's Admin Panel. There is an different configuration for mobile sites, but requires [WordPress Mobile Pack] ( "WordPress Mobile Pack") . Tested flash video.........

Similar: 18%

Video Embed

Video Embed Box plugin is used for video marketing with documentation,details and useful links. its only use to embed Videos from ==>Youtube, Vimeo and VideoSuit videos with pdf link,audio links and also specify the html content for that video. Backend options allow the choose favorite colors .........

Similar: 18%

CM Tooltip Glossary

CM Glossary Tooltip is a plugin for WordPress that enables you to parse posts or pages for defined glossary terms, by adding links to a glossary term page that contains the definition of the term used. The CM Glossary Tooltip plugin, when enabled, displays a tooltip containing the definition when us.........

Similar: 3%

Unite Gallery Lite

The Unite Gallery is all in one image and video gallery for WordPress. It's based on the unite gallery javscript version, and has a very powerfull and intuitive wordpess admin for your ease of use. Every gallery option has it's description, devided into logical sections, and the items manager is v.........

Similar: 3%

Portfolio Gallery

WordPress Portfolio Gallery WordPress Portfolio Gallery Demo Portfolio Gallery FAQ Portfolio Gallery User Portfolio Gallery Manual Portfolio Gallery is perfect for using for creating various portfolio Gallery within various views. Portfolio Gallery product allows adding images, videos from you.........

Similar: 3%