Simple Wistia Embed

This plugin allows you to use the simplest Wistia embedding workflow possible. Simply take the URL of the video you wish to embed, and paste it into your post or page. It just works!

Wistia WordPress Plugin

Wistia's embed codes are designed to be very durable, but WordPress has a history of being particularly troublesome. This plugin adds oEmbed support so that pasting a link to the video's page in Wistia will embed the video. The video's URL must be by itself on its own line for this to work. As of v.........

Similar: 60%

Hide YouTube Related Videos

WordPress' built-in oEmbed feature is fantastic. I've heard several complaints, though, about the related videos that show up after the video is done playing so I put together this very simple plugin that keeps the YouTube oEmbed code from showing related videos. This plugin also adds wmode=transpa.........

Similar: 40%

Embed Wistia Vid

To use Plugin install and then on page you wish to place the Wistia Vid put shortcode [wistiavid id=xxxxx] xxxxx being the Wistia Video ID, this can be found in the URL of the video on Wistia. Eg. The ID of this video is q509p384zl therefore .........

Similar: 40%


The Screenr oEmbed allows get the Screenr embed code for any Screenr screencast. If you have the URL to a Screenr screencast you can use it to get the embed code without copying and pasting anything, you simply provide a Screenr URL to our oEmbed API and in return you’ll get the proper embed code..........

Similar: 40%

Sapo Videos oEmbed

Sapo Videos oEmbed enables the embedding of Sapo Videos ( on your WordPress site. Once the plugin is installed and activated, just copy the video's URL of the Sapo Video and paste it in a line by itself on your post or page to automatically embed it. See Sapo Video's original.........

Similar: 40%

uQast Video Embed WordPress oEmbed Plugin

This simple plugin enables oEmbed support for the uQast Media Player with full SEO and lead generation capabilities. To add a video to a WordPress blog post just use a similar method to a YouTube video Copy the URL to the page on uQast or the oEmbed code suggested from within the player if it is .........

Similar: 25%

oEmbed styling

Support for oEmbed, which was added to WordPress in version 2.9, is very nice. Unfortunately the generated oEmbed code is not easy to be centered in the text, which is a common request. This plug-in allows for centering (or even other styling), although it will not solve it by itself, just makes it .........

Similar: 25%

Video Blogster Lite

No need to search YouTube and copy/paste videos into WordPress. Video Blogster Lite will automatically fetch the title, description, thumbnail, and statistics for each video in your keyphrase search. Integrates seamlessly with WP-PostRatings and WP-PostViews....

Similar: 25%

Iframely Responsive Embeds

Iframely brings you the responsive embeds and support of over 1700 domains. It means the embeds will resize, if possible, if you are on responsive theme. Iframely will detect URLs in your posts and replace it with embed codes for over 1700 domains. Supports all usual suspects such as YouTube, Vimeo.........

Similar: 14%

Unite Gallery Lite

The Unite Gallery is all in one image and video gallery for WordPress. It's based on the unite gallery javscript version, and has a very powerfull and intuitive wordpess admin for your ease of use. Every gallery option has it's description, devided into logical sections, and the items manager is v.........

Similar: 2%