Site Spy

By : Bob Riley

Site Spy is a powerful visitor tracking, capture and scoring tool that allows you to better target your audience and customers.

Who's Viewing, Who's Clicking.. Even Who's Making a WooCommerce Purchase!

Site Spy's event system lets you know exactly who's done what, from visiting a page, to clicking a button to purchasing a product and more.

Capture Leads With Existing Forms

Using the forms already on your site, Site Spy captures critical contact information of site visitors, allowing you to easily contact them in the future.

Use Lead Scoring to Find Valuable Visitors

Lead Scoring allows you to determine how valuable each visitor is to your business.

Each site action is weighted by importance as defined by you. Site Spy then keeps a running total of these weights as visitors interact with your site. This allows you to know exactly who are the most engaged and most likely to purchase.

Overview Video

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