Sizeable Content Tags

Quickly relate content and create context between different types of content on your WordPress site using Sizeable's Content Tags.

This plugin creates a general taxonomy (tag) called Content Tags allowing you to tag any type of content. With some basic filters, the plugin can easily be extended.

You can create telationships between any core/custom post types. Great for pulling arbitrary content in coordiation with Sizeable Content Blocks: (

Sizeable Content Blocks

Content Blocks gives you a reusable & extendable custom post type in plugin form than can be used for a variety of purposes throughout your site. Great when used with Sizeable Content Tags ( For more information on Content Blocks, vis.........

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The "newsAnglr for WordPress" Plugin allows bloggers to Angle their posts. This mean that the visitors of this blog will be served with new information that will enable them to discover more about the topic you're writing about. BUT, it also means that the articles will appear on other sites that .........

Similar: 10%

uContext for Clickbank

The uContext plug-in automatically locates keywords in your content and turns them into YOUR Clickbank contextually related affiliate links. This is a great plug-in if you have a blog with lots of posts, or you have lots of blogs and need something quick, easy, and effective to monetize them. Wh.........

Similar: 10%

Widget Logic by Path

Widget Logic by Path extends Widget Logic functionality to use URL path pattern based logic. It is similar to Drupal's "Show block on specific pages" feature. "*" is the wildcard character. See examples below. By enabling this plugin, Widget Logic default PHP based logic (eval) will be disabled. So.........

Similar: 10%

uContext for Amazon

The uContext plug-in automatically locates keywords in your content and turns them into YOUR Amazon contextually related affiliate links. This is a great plug-in if you have a blog with lots of posts, or you have lots of blogs and need something quick, easy, and effective to monetize them. Why m.........

Similar: 10%

PlanetEye Maps

The PlanetEye WordPress Google Map plug-in allows a blogger to link blog posts to any of the places on With a growing list of hotels, restaurants, attractions, landmarks and other points of interest to the traveller, these links give the reader access to useful information related to .........

Similar: 10%

CB Storefront

CBengine Storefront Plugin for WordPress generates a basic "mall" of ClickBank Categories and Products on a page of your WordPress Blog. Simply enter the [cbstorefront] shortcode on any page in your WordPress Blog and the Storefront will be presented on that page. Products are searchable by keywo.........

Similar: 10%

Admin Right Click Menu

Useful for websites where the default Admin Toolbar is not fitting well into the design. Many website owners/clients show the their website to their customers from laptops that are also used for administration of the website and thus the experience is ruined by the black toolbar right in the top. W.........

Similar: 10%

Administrative Shortcodes

A set of shortcodes for the website administrators....

Similar: 9%

Widget Manager Light

Widget Manager gives you full control over widget visibility via nice and intuitive interface. Every widget can now be displayed on or hidden from one or few pages. Display relevent content on your pages, posts, categories, tags, archives, custom post types, custom taxonomies, page templates, WordP.........

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