SMNTCS Pinterest Save Button

You have beautiful pictures and you want to whole world to see them? Why not adding the Pinterest Save Button so that your visitors are able to share your pictures on their Pinterest account? This plugin makes it super easy. Install, setup, done!

Pinterest "Pin It" Button

Add a simple Pinterest "Pin It" Button to your posts in 2 minutes! No need to copy and paste code throughout your WordPress site....

Similar: 92%

Pinterest Widgets

Add simple Pinterest widgets to your site in minutes. Widgets behave and appear like those from the official Pinterest widget builder. Includes: Follow button: Invite people to follow you on Pinterest from your site. Pin widget: Embed one of your Pins on your site. Profile widget: Show up to 30 o.........

Similar: 58%

Simply Pinterest

With Simply Pinterest make it easy and obvious your visitors should share your content without adding additional work to your blogging workflow. This plugin adds a Pin It button call to action over your each image in your post to prompt visitors to Pin your content. The window to save your content .........

Similar: 54%


If you use many different plugins to add social media share buttons to your website, most likely each plugin has its own images and your website looks inconsistent. Frizzly is here to fix that. Frizzly allows you to share your posts on three social networks: Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. You can .........

Similar: 37%

Animated Pinterest "Pin It" Button for Images

Animated Pinterest "Pin It" Button for Images is a WordPress plugin that allows your visitors to easily share your images via Pinterest. The plugin allows you to: Add hover animated button to each image. Disable button for selected image(s). Styling and positioning and animating the button. Custo.........

Similar: 36%

Add Pinterest Follow Button

Pinterest follow button is a very simple & attractive plugin allows WordPress blogger to reach it maximum followers on his Pinterest account. Pinterest is a web and mobile application company that offers a visual discovery, collection, sharing, and storage tool. Users create and share the collec.........

Similar: 35%

Pinterest Pin It Button On Image Hover And Post

Pinterest pin it button on image hover plugin provides facility to pins your blog posts, pages and images into your Pinterest account boards. Simply install then activate the plugin and start pinning. You can show or hide pin it button in post/page. You can enable or disable pin it button on image .........

Similar: 31%

pixoona Plugin

Conquer the world of PIXSETTING with this plugin. Install the pixoona plugin and any picture on your blog becomes the platform to share your thoughts, ideas and favorite products with your friends, customers or the PIXSETTER community. Test PIXSETTING Want to give it a.........

Similar: 14%

Feed Them Social (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Vine, Pinterest, etc)

Create Social Feeds of any or all your celebrities, family, friends, yourself, or businesses. Looks great on Desktops, Tablets, and Mobile Devices. If you're looking for more than just a custom facebook feed our plugin includes most of your favorite social networks....

Similar: 10%

LessButtons Social Sharing and Statistics

LessButtons automatically display sharing buttons for those social networks, where visitor registered and logged in. Support automated detection and display buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Reddit, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki. 100+ more social networks and bookmark services.........

Similar: 5%