Sociable .ro

Pentru adaugarea de noi agregatoare, includerea altor seturi de imagini si suport general trimite un mail la paun.eugen [at]

WP RoSocial

Based on Sociable WP RoSocial automatically add links to romanian social bookmarking sites on your posts or pages. You can choose from a list of 18 websites/tools. [Ro] Bazat pe Sociable, WP RoSocial adaugat automat linkuri spre cele mai cunoscute site-uri de tipul social bookmarking romanesti in fi.........

Similar: 78%

2-Klicks-Button - Socialshareprivacy Plugin

Ein WordPress-Plugin. Die Umsetzung des 2-Klick-Button Scripts von Das Plugin bietet die Möglichkeit den Facebook-Like, twitter- und Google Plus Button erst durch ein Klick des Besuchers auf die Seite einzubinden um den neuen Datenschutzbestimmungen in Deutschland höchstwahrscheinlich ger.........

Similar: 37%

Simple Social - Sharing Widgets & Icons

This plugin adds a set of cool icons and widgets at the end of your post for your readers to share. Widgets are Twitter and Facebook. It supports large icons and small icons....

Similar: 18%

El club de la Noticia

English This plugin adds an icon to share news and social networking icons at the end of a post so that readers can share arts. compatible with small and large icons....

Similar: 18%

Dropdown Social Share menu

Media social share icon with dropdown menu facebook, twitter, digg, stumbleupon, buzz, google buzz and more....

Similar: 18%

Sharing Buttons & Analytics by AddShoppers

This free plugin installs smart social sharing buttons that allow your visitors to easily share content on your WordPress site. These sharing buttons are tied to powerful analytics that allow you to track sharing activity and identify the influencers that are sending you traffic. The most popular.........

Similar: 10%

BST share iT

German (de-DE) Die Datensammelleidenschaft von sozialen Netzwerken wie Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn und anderer, ist bekannt. Wichtige Werkzeuge für die Datenerhebung sind die jeweiligen Social Sharing Buttons, die auf einfache Weise in allen Arten von Webseiteninstalliert werden k&oum.........

Similar: 8%

Sharify Social Share Buttons

Want support? Follow us on Twitter @sharifyplugin Introducing Sharify, a simple and fast plugin that lets you add beautiful sharing buttons to your WordPress website! LIVE DEMO - LEAVE A REVIEW Features Responsive Sharing Buttons for Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Reddit, Pocket, LinkedIn, Pin.........

Similar: 8%

E-MAILiT Share Buttons

E-MAILiT gives a free, creative solution that permits publishers to coordinate influential features straightforwardly into their sites by means of a completely adjustable stage. The E -MAILiT service coordinates a mixture of share buttons, media solutions, social plugins, analytics, and much more, e.........

Similar: 7%

Social Share Pop

That I believe if life gives you lemons, make lemonade ... You should try to find somebody And Whose Life has Given them vodka, and have a party. It is a tool of social networks to counter your post. It has the following counters Facebook Twitter Google Plus ...

Similar: 6%