SportsPost - Enriched Sports Posts

Enhance your sports posts with rich, detailed metadata about games, teams, and players, and with live game photos.

SportsPost 2.0 allows WordPress editors to search for player names of athletes in major North American sports leagues, and drop their names directly into their post. These names can then hyperlink to externally hosted Player Profile pages, with expanded news, statistics, and photos of those players.

Bloggers can also optionally register at to generate advertising revenue from their links.

SportsPost 2.0 also allows editors to search or browse the over 3 million sports photos from Icon Sportswire -- a leading sports photo wire service. Selected photos can be inserted directly into any post -- without leaving WordPress. Photos can also be imported into WordPress's Media Library.

Photos are for editorial usage only, and editors must register at for an account and login credentials. Photos can licensed using prepaid Credits (no long-term contract necessary), or can be downloaded as part of a monthly subscription package.

SportsPost 2.0 also includes "preview functionality" that allows WordPress administrators to add Sports Widgets from XML Team onto designated locations of any page. Our forthcoming 3.0 release will make it easy to select widgets and drop them in place. Visit the "Support" tab and drop us a message if you'd like more details.

Future versions will allow editors to:

  • Select Sports Widgets that will automatically update your website with current sports coverage.
  • Identify posts as being Game Previews or Game Recaps for particular sporting events, and then automatically include supplemental game information.

ESPN Headlines

Add ESPN Headlines from a wide variety of sports to your blog. Easily choose your favorite sport and enhance your sidebar with high quality up to date sports content. This plugin utilizes the ESPN API, and has all the supported sports/leagues as they are made available. Currently includes: NFL, N.........

Similar: 50%

Schmap Widget

This plugin enables a Schmap widget to be added to either the sidebar, or the main body, of your WordPress blog. Schmap widgets provide an extremely simple and flexible way of presenting data relevant to your blog on a map. Some available Schmap widgets include: - Schmap travel guide widgets (eg. S.........

Similar: 42%

Blitzcorner Sports Trivia Widget

BlitzCorner Trivia gives fans an opportunity to test their sports knowledge and compete with each other in 2-minute trivia challenges. The widget features questions across all popular sports and in varying degrees of difficulty....

Similar: 29%

League Tables

Features Note: You don't need to enter manually data into a league table, because we do it for you in real-time. The wordpress plugin 'League table standings' allows you to display the current soccer table standings for several leagues like:...

Similar: 27%


Features The wordpress plugin 'Live Scores' is covering up to 7 sport events. Football Tennis Basketball Ice Hockey American Football Baseball Handball ...

Similar: 25%

Sports Rankings and Lists

The plugin allows multiple authors to rank and list ANYTHING and display the table of rankings in posts or pages. Authors can create comments when they create rankings which are displayed below the rankings in the wordpress post or page. Created with sports teams and athlete list / rankings in mind,.........

Similar: 24%

Google Sports News Box

Features The wordpress plugin 'Sports News' allows you to display the latest Sports News in your language using the Google News Element....

Similar: 20%

SportsPress TV - On Demand Sports Videos

Embed Professional Sports Videos ThemeBoy is a proud distribution partner for PERFORM’s ePlayer, the leading video on demand service for professional sports content used by popular websites such as the,,,, and many others. As the only ePlayer prov.........

Similar: 12%

SportsPress - Manage Leagues & Sports Clubs

Create a Professional Sports Website Transform your WordPress blog into a fully configurable team, club, or league website. Features a suite of sports tools including fixtures, results, automated standings, players rankings, and individual profiles for clubs, players, and staff. ...

Similar: 10%

Jockspin Sports Headlines

Jockspin Sports Headlines plugin enables you to show the latest sports headlines, as fetched by sports news aggregator and publisher JockSpin (, in your Sidebar. This plugin installs a widget, which you can then place within your site from the WordPress admin panel. Within the w.........

Similar: 2%