
This plugin displays a list of the most recent commits to an external subversion repository, along with the commit comment.

Simple Running Log

This plugin creates a new table in your WordPress database to store data for a running log. The running log database is updated from your WordPress Admin Dashboard and then running log data displays in a sidebar widget. You don't have to link to another website anymore! The plugin has been tested u.........

Similar: 38%

Custom widgets

The Ultimate WordPress Widget configuration plugin! This plugin enables you to select which widgets appear on specific posts, pages, categories,author...

Similar: 29%

Tabbed Widgets Reloaded

Tabbed interfaces can save a lot of vertical space and make your website look less cluttered. Accordion type tabs are particularly useful if you want to have longer tab titles or more tabs that wouldn't otherwise fit into the given horizontal width....

Similar: 29%

Post Format Gallery Widget

The Post Format Gallery Widget plugin creates the possibility for you to display images from your galleries inside posts saved under the format 'Gallery'. You can select the number of images to display, the size of these images, shuffle their orders, the target of links (image file, permalink to att.........

Similar: 29%

Russian Word of the Day Widget

Adds a daily Russian Word of the Day (with audio) widget to the WordPress sidebar. The word of the day comes from the Declan Software archives. Other languages also available: Arabic Chinese Chinese (Traditional) Japanese Korean French German Italian Indonesain Spanish...

Similar: 29%

Inspirational Quotes

Add some inspiration to your blog! This super-simple WordPress plugin displays an inspirational quote in your blog's sidebar. Now with over 120 hand selected quotes, here are some of this plugin's features:...

Similar: 29%

Weather in Turkey (Hava Durumu)

English Displays the weather infortmation for Turkish cities. Ability to choose the city You can see the working demo here Weather in Turkey and download here WordPress Plugins...

Similar: 29%

Add To Menus Lite

Add to Menus provides a quick link in your WordPress Admin Bar to quickly add a menu item link for the post & page that you are viewing....

Similar: 13%

Dexs Navigation Tree

The Dexs Navigation Tree Plugins creates a small "Table of Content", shortly TOC, container. You can use it with the shortcode [dexs_toc] and also through an own sidebar widget. You can configure a default design for all TOC containers through the administration page, 'Dexs Navigation Tree' under.........

Similar: 13%

WPVKP Custom Login Page

This easy to use plugin gives you the power to convert the boring wordpress login page with much more attractive and personalized login page. This plugin helps to improve your brand authority and also helps to improve user experince. Now can customize the logo, the background, the login button and v.........

Similar: 2%