Super Categories

The Super Category plugin allows you to have multiple websites running off of one install and one database (one set of tables). The websites can share content if you wish it, and can have different titles, descriptions and themes. This plugin is a true plugin: there are NO HACKS and NO THEME EDITS of any kind. The plugin works with any other plugins and themes that use WordPress’ built in APIs, and features modular functions that can even make other plugins that use custom queries work also. However, this plugin is not for the novice user.

This plugin is Officially unsupported. It is only a proof-of-concept.

Use at your own risk.


Multiply is a plugin for WordPress 1.5.x which allows multiple blogs from within the one administration interface. Includes one-click creation of new blogs, with per-blog user permissions, themes etc. Read on for a list of caveats, plus installation, usage and technical details. This documentation .........

Similar: 34%

NMT Sitewide moderation

NMT Sitewide moderation is a wordpress plugin that provides a wordpress-like comment control screen that show comments of all blogs inside your wordpress multi-site installation. No more blog-switching to moderate comments on different blogs, the switching is done by the plugin....

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Category Sub-Blogs

Motivation WordPress offers comprehensive tools for tailoring your content. Categories, for one, allow a reader to focus on content most relevant to him. However, the current category behavior has several shortcomings: Requires expertise from the reader (he can't access a "ready-made" blog for hi.........

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Featured Blogs List

This plugin is for wordpress MU. It gives you the freedom to display specific user blogs as featured blogs in the sidebar on MU site homepage. When a user clicks on an item it will redirect him to user's blog URI (subdomain). The admin can add Multiple user blogs to display as "Featured user blogs .........

Similar: 17%


WPAlerts is a web-based software ( that allows one person to update multiple WordPress web sites from one dashboard. The WPAlerts plugin connects a WordPress web site to our web site for easy updating. To use the software you need this free plugin to be installed on you WordPre.........

Similar: 10%

Post Groups

One feature that I was looking for in WordPress was the ability to place my posts in their own separate pages. Thus, I would have different "sub-blogs" defined for the same WordPress site instead of the single weblog allowed by the default installation. PostGroups is a plugin that allows you to crea.........

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